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ucme's avatar

Which US president has been your favourite & who would be the worst?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 8th, 2016

Record whilst in office, impact on world affairs, economy, personality etc.
Not restricted to your lifetime, can include any president in history.

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13 Answers

cinnamonk's avatar

Obama. He’s dreamy.

Worst would be Bush.

Cruiser's avatar

Reagan and Clinton in no particular order were great Presidents. Both got shit done despite polarized Congresses. Carter was the worst with Obama right behind him. Obama promised us the moon and delivered very little and what he did deliver (Obamacare) is a hot steaming expensive turd and 10 more trillion in debt to show for it. Thanks to Barry the Middle East is up for grabs, we are the laughing stock of the world. Thanks to our first black President , racism has never been so rife since the early 60’s. Good riddance.

ucme's avatar

@Cruiser I watched a documentary last night about your presidents & in it they said Carter never wanted the job & hated every minute of it, that was some fake smile then :D

Kropotkin's avatar

Carter would be the best of a dreadful bunch from those in my lifetime. Far from perfect, but at least seemed to have some sort of moral compass.

Reagan the worst easily. Utterly contemptible, callous, hypocritical, ignorant and not particularly bright. It’s interesting that around the same period the UK had its own worst ever Prime Minister in Thatcher who had the same irredeemably awful traits and attitudes.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

In my lifetime, Kennedy was by far my favorite and I’m always surprised how he is bashed by revisionists in the latter years—and believed by so many to be one bad thing or another. Obama is number two.

The worst so far has been Bush, Jr. He displaced Reagan who displaced Nixon.

Seek's avatar

In my lifetime, Clinton and Obama. Ever? Well, I’m a big fan of Jefferson.

Cruiser's avatar

@Seek TJ was the greatest ever.

Zissou's avatar

Worst ever: arguably James Buchanan, with G.W. Bush a close second.

Best ever: Washington, Lincoln, or FDR. I find it easy to narrow it down to those three, but hard to decide among them without further study.

ucme's avatar

My turn…
Barack in my lifetime & looking back through history JFK & Theo Roosevelt.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Historically, JFK. I wonder what the world would have been like if he’d lived.

I liked Bill Clinton (for all his faults).
Similarly, I think Obama is great. He has heart and he has humour. I don’t know enough about the US political system, but is not any ineffectiveness at least in part due to his inability to get legislation passed by the Senate?
I don’t remember too much about Jimmy Carter’s presidency, but I have seen things he’s said since and I approve.

Mimishu1995's avatar

On a personal level, Obama is the best. He may not achieve what he promised, but at least he actually tried. He also shows a lot of respect to other countries.

All the others, I haven’t had a chance to experience. I heard a lot of shit about Bush but I wasn’t mature enough to understand.

flutherother's avatar

The best in my lifetime was JFK despite what was said about him after his death. As for the worst the competition is too strong to pick a clear winner.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Bill was the best. Obama might have been much better if Congress played ball,instead of dragging their feet like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

GWB was the worst. But it wasn’t his fault. He had no business being president, and still is the ultimate example of failing upward.

I don’t hate Trump. But I hate his supporters. It’s alarming that he has risen to this level, as an actual republican nominee. It says a lot about how pathetic the right has gotten. And how pathetic the left is at beating such a character.

This election was the biggest sign of the problems within the US in my lifetime . There are apparently mass hoards of complete idiots. (Worse than anyone thought. )

Maybe we deserve this.

I hope the sheep are happy with this outcome.

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