Will you be watching the election results tonight?
Asked by
Cruiser (
November 8th, 2016
Are you geeked out on this election or do you have a life and real responsibilities that will occupy your evening hours? Side poll….not care who wins – “0” really care who wins – “10”. Another side poll….what country will you move to if Trump wins?
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85 Answers
Yes. I have the ABC coverage on now.
Hell to the know. I just want to avoid all the BS and find out the truth tomorrow.
I have been watching all day. I have also been drinking all day.
Currently switching between Sky, BBC & CNN, but it’s approaching midnight over here so fuck that
I’m glancing at the on-line coverage every now and then, but really I prefer to do as @tinyfaery does. Check the results when I wake up.
10 Trump scares me.
Perhaps Panama, Ireland, or Vanuatu.
I’ll be watching some of the coverage once the polls start closing.
Early result: Trump wins in KY…they must have Kentucky Fried Brains.
^He is scheduled to win my state too, WV. Damn.
Trump also leading early in Orange County, of course he is, of course.
We knew he would win those states.
Oh yeah, Republican strongholds, noteworthy only for the gag factor.
CBS News projects Donald Trump wins in Indiana and Kentucky, and Hillary Clinton wins in Vermont.
Georgia edges Trump and South Carolina leans toward Trump.
@ucme Ahem…they make world class Bourbon in Kentucky….just saying
I tuned in about 15 minutes ago. It’s 9:00pm EST now.
I’m surprised New Hampshire is so close.
FL, PA, OH, MI, Nc, VA, all very close right now. I thought for sure VA would go for Hillary.
Technically Trump is ahead in electoral votes right now.
Good update, @JLeslie. I was wondering about electoral votes.
I can’t believe it’s even close. I gave Americans way too much credit. How can he even carry a state??
@ibstubro He won in KY, WV,TX,TN, I don’t remember what else.
Was out on a board meeting. Will tune in and out all evening. Fucking scared right now.
I have been paying close attention to the incoming results ever since polls started closing. I don’t care about the surefire states but I’m already stressing over battleground states. It’s made my boyfriend furious because he just wants me to relax and heal. It is very weird to be in the hospital on this night. I would be even more glued to results if I were well. I’d be up as late as I needed. As it is I will have to sleep before we know.
@janbb, so it’s not just me going… oh my god! What does this mean?
I still feel pretty sure Hillary will win.
Should I make up the spare room?
Trump projected winner in Nebraska.
:-| You’re all scaring me now.
I’m scared. I’m having a bit of a panic attack.
:-| When you lot freak out, that’s really not good.
Hillary won NY and IL, no surprise. Looks like she gets MA also. I would have been shocked if Trump carried MA.
I’m scared too. Just a few weeks ago it all seemed so certain. Even this morning I felt so much more certain. .
Wow, MI is sooo close.
Mind you Rubio won in FL for senate, but many who voted for him must have voted for Clinton.
GA too close to call and I would have bet it would go to Trump. PA I’ve said all along would go to Trump. I’ve been hoping I’d be wrong.
MO close also! I thought that state would go to Trump also.
I’ve been watching on and off. Too stressful. But I know I won’t get a good nights rest till it is all over.
Yes. Mo is a Trump state. Good to be close. @JLeslie.
I’m not freaked, @Earthbound_Misfit. Clinton is a turd to Trump’s shit.
I believe American’s will be decorous. Choose the least profane.
Whatever will be, will be.
As a side note, I was talking with a friend that’s a Trump supporter a couple days ago. She said we could pay for The Wall by cutting off subsidies to Mexico. I pointed out that Putin would be thrilled to pick up those payments. She said, “WHO CARES!” Like Communism on our southern border is better than cheap cooks, cleaners and yard workers!
Sorry, I know that’s stereotypical, but it made my point.
10:00 EST. I can’t take this anymore. I’m going to bed and hoping to wake up to the best.
oh God Trump is leading the electoral vote AND the popular vote
Somebody comfort me
I couldn’t hold down my dinner. I’m seriously thinking about how I can arrange things so I never have to leave my house again. This country is scaring me. I can’t handle it.
10:40 pm Eastern time and I’ve been watching since around 8:30 I am on edge and don’t know how I’m going to be able to sleep. Ideally I’ll go to sleep by around midnight. It’s very suspenseful and I wish I would be able to know before I sleep but of course, that won’t be. FB is full of election talk, so I had to get off it because I really can’t stand the suspense.
Wake with me in the morning?
It is, what it is.
I’ve had too much to drink and it’s not helping – I feel completely sober. I’m on the edge of tears. My chest hurts. I know it’s a panic attack and there’s nothing I can do about it.
I can’t even drink. I have to sleep but I can’t. This is so fucked up.
Can you imagine a country where Trump is President? I can’t.
I can’t. I can’t believe this might be happening. I literally can’t believe it.
I just want to say when Tony Abbott was elected, he was our version of an unelectable leader. We’re fine. We’re still here. The world is going on. Now I know this is different, but you will be fine. He is president only for so long. Also, don’t Congress have to approve any legislation he tries to implement? So perhaps any potential damage will be managed by people with more sense than Trump – and he hasn’t won yet has he? So try not to stress too much.
Thank you @Earthbound_Misfit. You are comforting. I know your country has had many shocking elections lately.
Trump has to get things through Congress but Congress is under largely Republican support in Congress so I fear he will be able to do much of what he wants to do.
Congress is Republican. The Supreme Court is broken. We are fucked. Which means everyone is fucked, because we have all the blowy-up things.
Grab them by the pussy man is winning, guys.
Shakes head.
Congress is Republican, but not all Republicans are morons. If he wants to do something too crazy, I can’t believe they will just fold and go along with it. They will damage themselves in the long run.
I have no idea of course. So I’m just trying to make you (and me!) feel better. This affects us all. I feel so sorry for those women who came out against him. He is going to go after them.
This is INSANE!!! Time to go click my heels and go to bed.
Well, my conscience is clear.
I don’t want to live here anymore. Can I trade my citizenship, straight up? Any, like, crazy neo-nazis in Wales want to live in a really boring town in Florida?
<Brace myself for an incoming hell>
Please make it a nightmare! Please!
Does this mean that there won’t be a new season of The Apprentice?
People ask how Germany was so blind as to vote Hitler into power. See?
I have to go back to my dry heaving
@filmfann you can be assured to see a mini WWII when Trump wins, around East Asia.
Well, shit! I just woke up at 2:00am, and all I can say is now I feel worried.
I think I mentioned here, or in facebook, that when I went to vote I was talking to the woman in charge of the polling center and when I asked her if it’s been busy she said under her breath, “they’ve been coming from out of the word work.” Where I live that means Trump votes most likely. When I was there there were a couple of older people bringing in disabled, very young, first time voters. I had a feeling after what that woman said that that doesn’t happen every year. I have no problem with everyone voting, but they were mentally disabled, not just simply in wheelchairs. There is no way the two disabled people I saw had the ability to really understand politics. It probably happens on the Hillary supporter side too, but I bet a lot of years in the past there wasn’t such a big effort to get everyone out to vote. Im curious, was there more votes cast this year than previous years?
Everyone who criticized Trump for saying he will wait until he sees the results to decide if he’ll accept the results looks pretty ridiculous now, since it will be Hillary’/s campaign to possibly ask for recounts, or at minimum ask for all votes to be counted in states too close to call. This is what I have said about the media and liberals all along, they take Trump’s words too often and twist them to a point that his people get pissed and motivated.
If Trump wins I really feel the media did a tremendous amount to help him by offending Trump supporters.
Flipping congress is red too. Ugh.
I can’t believe she conceded already. I really can’t believe it.
Gawd, I’m not only pissed about this election, it brings up for me how annoyed I was about Obama winning over Hillary in the primaries 9 years ago. This country really missed an opportunity in my opinion never having had her as president.
Oh America, what the fuck have you done?
@ucme Comes down to one word….trust.
@Cruiser I don’t agree. Just like racism doesn’t describe all Trump voters, Trust issues does not describe all Hillary voters.
@JLeslie I was not speaking to Hillary voters…just her.
@Cruiser I don’t understand what you mean then. Aren’t you saying people don’t trust Hillary?
I guess Melania will be blowing her own Trump-et later
@JLeslie Yes…last night the voters have spoken. Think about it….there is no logical reason that Donald Trump is now President elect other than her lack of trustworthiness. Wikileaks, the FBI and Comey handed this election to Trump on a silver platter.
When do we get to hear from Hillary?
Has she stopped crying yet?
Did her hair suffer a stress related collapse?
@ucme She conceded early last night from what I hear. Be gentle with us for now – we are all (mostly) in pain.
@janbb Hey, I feel your pain, my side hurts from laughing so much…no, I mean I already invited any would be refugees over to stay at my house :)
@ucme Better watch out – I’m planning a trip to England in the spring. :-)
Ooohh, now there’s interesting ;-}
Seriously though, surely her supporters deserve to hear from her sometime soon, they were all told to go home & it just appeared strange that’s all.
I had to go to the store this morning, and I’ve never been so afraid to walk around old white men as I was today. I hugged the Latina that greets at the door of the store (she gives my kid stickers all the time) and told her I’m sorry we didn’t do better.
My chest hurts.
I think the media is largely accountable for the whole mess @JLeslie, the sensationalism and divisive reporting that is done for ratings is driving a wedge between us and fueling excessive anxiety and negativity in the name of the almighty dollar. I believe that is a huge part of how we got here. Maybe the biggest part. I know I am in the minority in that belief, but I truly believe it.
I wish I could move too. China is going to mess with us big time! They only waited for this moment.
@ANef_is_Enuf I agree! I’ve said it all along, and said as much just answering on another Q. I blame the media for a lot of this, and I also blame how mean people have been, especially democrats! I’m not talking about the politicians (who weren’t always so nice either) I mean every day people.
@ucme I have wanted Hillary for ten years now, and I am just fine if she takes a day or two to speak to us. I just think give the lady a break. Two days ago I thought if Trump loses I think he will take it in stride contrary to popular belief. I believe if it’s going to hit anyone very hard it would be Hillary.
And on top of everything I’M OUT OF PG TIPS.
Can NOTHING go right?
@ucme I just read she is speaking to supporters this morning – perhaps she already has. Then she needs to go rest.
@janbb Yeah they showed her en route not 5mins ago, the New Yorker I think they said.
@Seek I have 2 boxes of PG and can send you some
Thanks, @Cruiser. I just wish I had made tea before I went to the store. I do not intend to leave my house again today. I have other tea, but it’s not as good.
On the upside, I think my kid just decided to spring his political career. He says he can’t vote for another ten years, but he can write letters to his representatives. And he asked how old you have to be to run for Congress.
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