Social Question

LostInParadise's avatar

Will Trump's win strengthen the progressive wing of the Democratic party?

Asked by LostInParadise (32308points) November 9th, 2016

I am looking for a silver lining to the election results. I think Clinton’s political career is over. I have a feeling that Elizabeth Warren will feature prominently in the next few years as part of the opposition. She has to run for president four years from now to clean up the mess that the Republicans are going to create. There is nobody else on the horizon.

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7 Answers

Mariah's avatar

This is my silver lining too. The more of a disaster he is, the farther we will swing away next time.

JLeslie's avatar

How progressive? Like Bernie? He’s too progressive in my opinion. The population is seeking change, I want some things to change too, but too progressive worries me that it sounds too good to be true. Those solutions usually don’t work. They often aren’t thought through and analyzed properly.

Did Obamacare sound good to you? Even Democrats are saying now it needs a lot of changes.

I want the US to get the financial house in order if it’s at all possible. Hillary, before she started to try to woo Bernie voters, was the candidate I trusted most to really watch the bottom line, mostly because her husband did, combined with a liberal outlook.

josie's avatar

I bet you will find that Trump has a slight progressive tilt himself

LostInParadise's avatar

I would like to believe that, but I think it is mainly window dressing. What I expect to see are cuts in both taxes from the rich and federal policies helping the poor, all in the name of trickle down economics.

JLeslie's avatar

@josie I agree. But, he chose Pence as a running mate, which totally sucks.

Strauss's avatar

@JLeslie Did Obamacare sound good to you? Even Democrats are saying now it needs a lot of changes.
The changes most Democrats are talking about are probably about re-inserting points that had to be negotiated out for affordable health care to pass in the first place.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I’m not sure which points you mean. I don’t feel Obama did much of anything to take care of private insurers forcing doctors to sign contracts that they won’t charge clients less for self pay. Or, for getting in too of gouging people with life threatening conditions like needing an epipen, an AIDS drug, a cancer drug, or a hep C drug. He definitely didn’t stop companies calling to sell their insurance and encouraging people to lie about their health and think they are getting ACA compliant coverage when it isn’t compliant. That happened to me. Or, my friend who wanted a very high deductible and low monthly and didn’t wind up with that, and I’m pretty sure she just was clueless about her options, because it is so unclear. The list goes on.

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