Social Question

MrGrimm888's avatar

Was this election the most polarizing event in human history?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) November 9th, 2016

As is.

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13 Answers

Judi's avatar

It’s pretty sucky but he hasn’t committed the expected atrocious acts yet. I looked it up and the anti Christ is supposed to have power for 42 months so it looks like the last six month of his presidency will be interrupted somehow ~

Strauss's avatar

The election was not the polarizing factor; the polarization was there before the election even started. I have more questions about it than answers. The polarization was evident in the 114th Congress (2014) when the Republicans decided that they would do nothing to cooperate with the 41st President.

Since the elected officials are a reflection of the US population, we must recognize that the cultural divide that was brought to light during this election is somehow reflective, rather than causative.

Judi's avatar

And it worked. They have all three branches of government now. I just wonder how congress is going to deal with the monster they created

josie's avatar

If you are going to speak on such a grand scale, I would say 9/11 was a more polarizing event.
This was just an election between two candidates, neither of which were particularly admirable or even likable. Just my opinion.

Cruiser's avatar

No…the last 8 years were the most polarizing event in human history and the election results, black lives matter and assassinated cops are proof.

JLeslie's avatar

No. We have been polarized very badly since Pres. Clinton in my opinion. The right HATED him. The left was really frustrated with Bush. Then came Obama. It’s been bad a long time. If we go back to Reagan a lot of us thought he was awful on quite a few issues.

Judi's avatar

Reagan started this mess and Trump is the culmination of it.

Zaku's avatar

In human history? No. Remember the Middle East? World War II. American Civil War. French Revolution. Many other examples.

jca's avatar

I agree not in human history.

Other world wars were awful as @Zaku points out.

As far as elections go, I remember Bush vs. Gore being another big scandal.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. I meant that with all the world being connected now,through the media, was it the biggest in number of people following and having SO much potentially riding on it….

Obviously there were bigger events in history, but this was in everyone’s face, in the world.

jca's avatar

This reminds me of Ronald Reagan days, 1980’s when I was in high school. Old white guys like Giuliani and Gingrich.

Strauss's avatar

@jca They’re ba-a-ack!

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