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Love_my_doggie's avatar

Would you please raise your hand if you eat French fries with salt and malt vinegar?

Asked by Love_my_doggie (13125points) November 9th, 2016

If your hand’s the air, please tell us where you were born and/or raised.

Growing up in SE New England, I loved fries with plenty of salt and malt vinegar. If you have similar memories and affections, please do share.

(I’m trying to avoid any thoughts about the presidential election.)

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11 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I don’t eat French fries. I eat chips. And how else would you eat them but with some salt and vinegar?

I was born and bred in the North-West of England. I don’t eat chips very often these days, even though I do love them. I try to limit my consumption – sadly.

ragingloli's avatar

i eat them with mustard

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I don’t often but thank you for the reminder. I first encountered fries & vinegar on family trips to Canada when I was a kid.

It was very unexpected but I liked it right away.

Seek's avatar

I do, if the other accompaniments match the bitterness. Fish gets vinegar. Burgers gets extra-salty ketchup.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I eat my frites with mayonnaise.

Stinley's avatar

I like my British chips with salt and vinegar but I like french fries (what I call skinny chips) with mayonnaise. When I was at university in Edinburgh, I came across a local custom of salt and sauce with chips. That was nice.

olivier5's avatar

Dijon mustard, of course, or mayo.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit “Chips” certainly work for me. Also when growing up, and long before veganism, I savored my weekly plate of fish-and-chips. That’s one of the few things I miss about being omnivorous – flakey fish, fried in a light batter, served with a generous portion of chips. Salt and vinegar all around!

rojo's avatar

Much to my families chagrin, yes.

But I’ll Never Walk Alone

Stinley's avatar

I had fish and chips and mushy peas tonight. Salt and vinegar was added. Tummy is full. @Stinley is happy

nightwolf5's avatar

I do, but mostly only when eating fries at a seafood restaurant where the malt vinegar is on the table. I was born in Seattle, and raised in a small city close by in Washington State.

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