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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Now that Trump won the election is the system still rigged?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23599points) November 9th, 2016

Or that because he won it is now fair and honest?

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9 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And remember it was him that kept screaming the system is rigged,or have we forgotten that now?

JLeslie's avatar

I do think by rigged he meant the media and people with power using money and influence to influence votes. I think he in other instances was also talking about voter fraud, which is another thing.

I think overall people latched onto what he said and twisted it in whichever way they wanted to. In the past Democrats wanted Gore to challenge the vote, and were pissed the Supreme Court shut it down. Trump says he doesn’t want to promise anything until he sees the results and the Democrats freak out. It’s stupid. When Trump didn’t want to promise he would support whichever republican became the nominee that made sense to me too. It’s a ridiculous promise if you don’t like some of the candidates.

Other hypocrisies:

Hating Trump for being a womanizer and not hating Bill Clinton and vice versa. It doesn’t matter that Bill isn’t running this time, that’s dismissing the hypocrisy.

Hating Hillary for Benghazi, but not caring about the attack in front of our Embassy during the Bush years and every of President who has had attacks on America during their administration.

Imagine if Obama had done business deals with Osama Bin Laden’s half brother before 9/11. The right would go crazy. Yet they don’t care that Bush did just that.

Imagine if 9/11 happened under a Democrat? I really think the Republucans would bring it up over and over again as the Democrats being not good at protecting the homeland.

Everyone talks about the other side and twists things at their convenience, why would politicians be any different? Including Trump.

chyna's avatar

Why no, it’s a perfect system.

LuckyGuy's avatar

For fun, I went to look for the videos where he said that He did it several times and were played over and over on Fox. Unfortunately they were also posted by Fox News . This morning all of them are gone!!! I think youtube is rigged. :-)
There were other clips of him saying that but you have to look further down the pile. Rigged indeed. He should start an investigation! I’ll hold my breath.

kritiper's avatar

It was never rigged but the election shows that the system wants to move in a third, moderate, direction. If not it may implode.
Every single Democracy throughout history has only lasted about 200 years and then evolved into something else. Ours is clearly showing the strain.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Of course it wasn’t rigged. ~Someone needs to sue him for liable and defamation.
By the way, as far as I know, there was only one case of voter fraud: a Trump supporter in Iowa .

rojo's avatar

Not voter fraud @LuckyGuy, election fraud.

Electoral System in Crisis a good primer.

josie's avatar

Which means the Democrats aren’t as popular as they thought they were.
The folks who do the rigging went for Trump!

kritiper's avatar

@josie You might be right there. And Hillary did win the popular vote.
But it wouldn’t be the first time something blew up in someone’s face, so the surprise might be all yours..

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