Social Question

ucme's avatar

What will Trump & Obama really be thinking when they "cosy up" at the White House today?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 10th, 2016

Given, well…everything!!

Answer with what you think will be their true inner thoughts, betraying the outer mask of forced pleasantness.
Funny, serious & downright stupid answers are not only welcomed, but positively encouraged.

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7 Answers

SecondHandStoke's avatar

“Orange is the new black.”

zenvelo's avatar

How to hang the Trump sign on the Portico.

ucme's avatar

@SecondHandStoke Well played sir…<golf clap>

LuckyGuy's avatar

Idiocracy has arrived.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Obama will offer cyanide laced butterscotch candies.

ucme's avatar

Trump is going to lap that shit up, Obama will wear a face like a welder’s bench as he struggles to fashion something resembling a grin, all the while his white knuckles are sweating from a very strong handshake mimicking a throttled neck.

ucme's avatar

That was plenty awkward looking, as expected.

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