Social Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

What do you think of Calexit?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23807points) November 10th, 2016

Just discovered it recently though I did hear things about California wanting to be independent, but I thought it was a joke. Apparently the idea has been there for quite some time, and this election is only a catalyst for it.

I just want a bit of your input about this. What do you think of it? Anything new to add? Will it happen or is this all just an overreaction?

Californian jellies are more than welcomed.

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17 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Silly idea. It will never happen.

It sounds good on TV, but it’s a non-starter,

MrGrimm888's avatar

Texas has been talking about sucession for years.

If Cali left the union, I might try to move there…

It is admittedly unrealistic though.

ragingloli's avatar


ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Cali can drop off into the pacific ocean for all I care. May as well be a different country.

zenvelo's avatar

As a Californian, I would love to see Texas secede. Pull the military bases out of there, and the place will collapse in six months.

And then California will quietly secede too.

Sneki95's avatar

I think the “whatevercountryexit” is just a new trend these days after UK left the Union. You now have France wanting to leave the EU, Scotland wanting to leave UK, Catalonia wanting to leave Spain, and California wanting to leave the US. Truth is every one of these regions (except France) is too small and uncapable to easily survive on it’s own, and no country (and union) wants to lose a piece.
It will not happen any time soon, and not so easily at all.

zenvelo's avatar

@Sneki95 California on its own would be the sixth largest economy in the world. We are viable.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Texas has been saying this for years, it’s not new. Their power grid is completely independent from the rest of the USA also. They could really do it and also be viable.

Sneki95's avatar

@zenvelo You may be right, but I still don’t think California will just come and be like “Yo, I’m out” and the rest of the US be like “Ok, honey, have a nice time”.

Darth_Algar's avatar

As silly as the people who say Texas could/should secede, or that northern California should secede from southern California (or that southern Illinois should secede from from northern Illinois, etc, etc, etc). A lot of talk with nothing real behind it.

tinyfaery's avatar

As a lifelong Californian I am feeling very insulated from the ridiculous outcome of the election, and I am so glad. That’s one of the few things keeping me upbeat right now. I wish we were another country (and the “fight” between No. Cal and So. Cal no longer exists). Secession is a pie in the sky dream of so many Californians. “Murika (official name now) would send in the military to keep California. We can survive on our own, but good luck to ‘Murika surviving without us.

I don’t think California is perfect, but we have our priorities straight and are looking to the future, not stuck in a past that will never return.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


Far preferable to “USSA.”

Wish to secede?

Just send us Toyota, Honda and Mercedes-Benz design headquarters and Apple.

We will also be taking the old vines from Lodi.

You can keep Del-Monte.

Have fun with your new nation’s air quality regulations.

Perhaps your Republic of California legal cars can reach 50MPH, in two minutes.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The rest of America would do just fine without California.

Esedess's avatar


Same here. It’s interesting hearing all this gay rights/race wars/abortion/etc bullshit supposedly going on, and then to look around here and wonder what the hell everyone is talking about. I don’t see a problem. The rest of the country needs to learn to chill the fuck out.

tinyfaery's avatar

Can’t have some and not all. If anyone or anything wants to stay in The Republic of California, so be it, follow our laws. You no longer get a say. That’s the point.


josie's avatar

I guess nobody takes history in public schools anymore.
South Carolina suceeded in 1860, followed by 10 others and triggered a civil war that cost over 600K lives.
The precedent is established.
Be serious.

rem1981's avatar

Everyone in Cali will be back to their self-centered lives in a week. We should be more worried about the drought than the president.

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