What is your all time Favriote TV show?
Asked by
aisyna (
August 5th, 2008
mine would definatly be house i am addicted. I didnt see the 1st 2 seasons as they aired so I stayed up one day till 6 in the morning watching the season DVDs to Get caught up.
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63 Answers
Simpsons. They have been there for me since they started when i was 7 or 8.
The Wire is probably my favorite. That or DuckTales.
Weeds. At the end of every episode i just ask myself how in the hell can they top this episode? And you know what, ive never been let down the following week. That show just gets better and better every ep.
Followed by CHEERS and Seinfeld
Or the first several seasons of Saturday Night Live
Chappelle’s Show Season 1&2 is by far my fave. Top Gear from the BBC (gotta love those Brits) is a respectable 2nd.
Buffy no question. After all these years I still miss the show!
I hoped for a movie but it looks like a lost cause at this point….
Second is Battlestar, the new series.
House is completely great too!
The West Wing.
Never before and never since has a show balanced humor and drama so masterfully.
Scrubs. That show matches my personality best.
4 years ago I would have said Family Guy. But that show died after it was uncanceled.
Buffy for me too.
To be more original I pick SNL; I’ve been watching it for over 2 decades.
tiny, what was your favorite season? Aisyna, sorry off topic.
@trudacia Season 3 and 6 are my favorites. I have them all on DVD. I think I’ve watched all 7 seasons about 5 times. Have you picked up the graphic novels Joss is involved with? It’s Buffy season 8; definitely check them out.
Six Feet Under when it was on; so relevant for it’s time and the writing, acting and storyline were amazing. Close seconds: The Sopranos, & Carnivale…(HBO fan).
Current faves: Weeds, The Office, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and 30 Rock. Clever writing and hilarious!
I’d say house or family guy
@sndfreQ: Philadelphia is an awesome show. Great writing.
Aww I completely forgot about It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia! How could I, its about my hometown!
Damn that show is funny.
Danny Devito brings to mind several old, great sitcoms: Taxi, one of my all time favorite! The Odd Couple, Sanford and Son, The Honeymooners, Good Times…classic shows!
Simpson’s, Arrested Development, then MASH
American Dad.
I have five:
Party of Five
Six Feet Under
Night Gallery
not in any particular order. I loved them all!
I’m not sure if I could pick an all-time favorite. If I started listing awesome TV, I might never stop. So, sticking to shows that are current, this season I’m most looking forward to House, Criminal Minds, CSI, Heroes, Chuck and Pushing Daisies.
The Simpsons, The Wire, Law &Order, Heroes.
Oh yeah! Definitely Entourage.
All time…Seinfeld…
Currently my favorites would include “The Office” and “House”....oh and “Dexter”
God, where do I start.
Well, first off I guess I’d have to go with Star Trek. Not next generation but the original. If I continue in this genre I’d put Doctor Who right behind it, the real old ones right up to today.
If we are talking comedy then I would go with The Phil Silvers Show (Sgt. Bilko) along with Saturday Night Live (The first few years) and Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
In the drama genre I would put HBO/BBC’s Rome at the top.
The Young Ones
Runners up:
Get A LIfe
The A Team
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The News Hour with Jim Lehrer… oh, and Arrested Development.
My all time favorite would have to be Boy Meets World.
Most recent:
One Tree Hill.
CSI: Miami.
The Office.
sorry such a long list(:
Drama: St. Elsewhere
Comedy: The Larry Sanders Show
My impulse was to answer Dead Wood. The character arc for Al Swearagen over the course of the first season got me hook, line and sinker. Second answer would be Twin Peaks.
Doctor Who
Lano & Woodley
The IT Crowd
Black Books
Gilmore Girls
Grey’s Anatomy
And from my past: Powerangers, H.R. Puffinstuff and Round the Twist to name a few.
Parker Lewis Can’t Lose
it was the first tv show that exposed me to self-centered surreality and became the model for my now-defunct serial memoirs / internet newsletter
@DrHat! I loved Parker Lewis Can’t Lose! Is Kubiak still a bit player on ER? “Synchronize Swatches…” and those shirts. Good stuff, very good stuff.
@shrubbery- I forgot Blackadder. I want to add Blackadder to my list as well, in all its incarnations.
This is hard. I can’t pick one. In no particular order:
21 Jump Street
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Welcome Back Kotter (before that idiot Beau or Bo or whoever came to the show)
The Golden Girls
Unsolved Mysteries
The Cosby Show
The Office (BBC)
All My Children
Looney Tunes
Curb Your Enthusiasm
@shrubbery—Good call on Blackadder and Black Books. The Brits win at sitcoms.
Anybody enjoy In Search Of as a kid? You know. The show hosted by Leonard Nimoy? Loved that freakin’ show.
Breaking Bad is good current one.
I forgot about “Jericho”, even if it was canceled…twice.
Anyone here a fan or former fan of Nip/Tuck. Years ago that was all I watched in the summer, reruns of Nip/Tuck on FX. I loved the racy and surreal storylines, plus it had some of the best looking girls in TV (except Rosie O’Donnell ewww). Sadly, I got a dish last summer and FX wasn’t in the package- damn miss that show!
I LOVE Nip/Tuck. I never watch them when they are aired. You have to get the DVDs.
I used to watch Nip/Tuck all the time, but for some reason, I just stopped.
@tinyfaery/Wine3213— do you guys/gals have a fave episode or season that you recommend I should watch. The only full season I watched was I one with the serial cutter that slashed smiles on people’s faces. I loved the twist they put in at the end, shocking.
Watch it from beginning to end. Each season has its own shocker.
ha, i’m sure i’ll get plenty of criticism for this one :)
@chutterhanban: what you talking about? I loved that show (it had me believing that I could fly and throw energy blasts at people). It had excellent characters, action scenes, and powerful villians. Be proud of your love for vintage Japanese anime. :-)
@indy318 i think everyone loved that show at one point or another, but looking back on it mannnnn that sucked. I mean like they drew everything out soooo long. One fight was like 9 episodes. It took like 20 episodes to change up the Spirit Bomb and then HE FUCKING MISSES!!!
@uberbatman, true they did drag their feet when trying to carry out the various scences. but I was like 10 when I watched DBZ and was so drawn into it that timing was the least of my worries. Later on, I started to realize (by the season with Buu) that not much was accomplished in a single episode, so I gently weaned of the show. You do have to admit though, that it had some of the baddest mother fluthers on the tube.
I’ve watched the first 4 seasons on DVD in the past 5 weeks. I’m halfway through season 5 now (Cell saga). Goku and Gohan just went into the hyperbolic time chamber to train for a “year” while Vegeta and Trunks head off Cell as he’s looking to absorb 18.
P.S. Don’t tell me what happens next. I forget… it’s been so long since I’ve seen it!!!
P.P.S. I really want to wear weights around my ankles and wrists to train lol.
DBZ was one of my favorites! For some reason, I always wanted to go Super Saiyan. :p
DBZ was one of my favorites! For some reason, I always wanted to go Super Saiyan. :)
Dang iPhone messing up. Sorry for repeating my statement.
hey DBZ fans, play Attak this game totally reminds me of the feeling of watching DBZ
@chutterhanban, I think that was one of the first seasons I watched. I remember there being a high up structure with a pencil thin support pole. On top was a elder or wiseman. Goku and Gohan spent a day in the chamber, which was really like 6 episodes, to train for a year. The finale of that season was great but I don’t want to say too much. =)
Dexter kicks ass! As does….
Robot Chicken
My Name is Earl
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