If the US wanted to instill Martial Law on the populace what would be their best method to catch the populace by surprise, or dupe them into embracing it if they can’t be ambushed into it?
Some people who are old enough or near old enough to have lived or fought in WWII mention how sly the Nazis were in setting up all the pieces then cracking down on the Jews, to the point some of the Jews did not even realized what happened to them until they got off the train car. If the US government wanted to install Martial Law, what method would they use, guile, making people think it was something else going on or that it was something to help the public, like battling terrorist, would they just be so stealthy that they can set it into motion right under the populace nose, or would they make anyone who got wind of the plan look like an idiot as to insure apathy of the populace?
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25 Answers
If I wanted to take over the US via martial law, I’d set up a denunciation system like they had in Medieval Florence. Very similar to what we had during the red scare, but more widespread.
I’d get the churches in on it, too. Christians love being told what to do, and love nothing more than finding flaws in other people.
So, set up a system where people can tattle on their neighbors for “un-American activity”, and have the denounced people shipped off to prison camps. You will be able to use the number of people in the camps as an excuse for increasing military presence in the area. People who operate in fear don’t use logic. It would work.
After a while, the only people left would be the sheep that like being told what to do, and you can do as you like with them.
Bear in mind this violates all sorts of Constitutional laws, but anyone setting up nationwide martial law probably doesn’t care about that.
^ I’d get the churches in on it, too.
Interesting, a de facto alliance of church and state, trick clergy into being minister of propaganda, it would be interesting how that would be done, but I would not put it past any government not even this one.
Oh, fuck Gingrich with a cactus.
@Hypocrisy_Central – It’s not an alliance. The government would be using the church congregations as spies, because they’re too stupid to understand the meaning of what they’re doing. They’ll get it right around the time someone denounces their kid for studying for a history exam. And by then it’ll be too late.
Just pronounce the magic word: “terrorism”. Everything is agreeable if it’s sold as a counter-terrorist measure.
I think they just need to raise fear levels to a fever pitch (we are pretty close to that now).
Promise things will get better and the government can fix everything (ironic when the people most likely to do this are stating they are fit smaller government).
Start instilling curfews for safety. Military around towns for safety.
Give some things from the government for free and promote nationalism so the people start to be grateful, trusting, and loyal to the government in an extreme manner.
Encourage people to point a finger at others so suspicion is taken of themselves. Think Salem witch trials.
More and more tracking by the government of the citizenry.
The current steps seem pretty “good”:
1. Pretend like there’s a war on “drugs”.
2. Pretend like there’s a war on “terror”.
3. Militarize the police.
4. Normalize heavily armed police responding to civilian protests.
5. Get the FBI to encourage people to be terrorists, and then dramatically catch them.
6. Dumb down the media.
7. Give the government secret courts and all sorts of carte blanche authority to arrest people on practically any sort of “terror” charge.
8. Increase gun regulations. Find out who has large caches of weapons.
9. Remove people from the military who wouldn’t fight US civilians.
10. Increase xenophobia.
11. Divide the population into factions that dislike/distrust/fear each other.
12. Set up all sorts of audio/visual electronic surveillance everywhere.
There was an Al Qaeda “threat” last week, the day before the election. Remember after 9/11 that the election that day in New York was suspended? All it takes is a “well timed” supposedly “terrorist” incident to take place, and any President could easily coordinate with the Congressional Leaders to say “martial law is necessary for the emergency”.
Don’t forget, most of our civil liberties were given up by the leadership of Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman.
@zenvelo I was extremely disappointed Gore chose Lieberman as a running mate. Too religious for me. I don’t mean because he was orthodox, I mean because of even just little things like I saw him and Gore in an interview when they were running and prayer in school came up and Lieberman was going down the oath of it being ok, and Gore cut him off to clear up that matter. He of course was pro Israel, which I am too, but I dint like when people are blindly pro Israel to the point that they aren’t willing to consider or listen to the other side of the issue. I don’t know if Lieberman was like that, but it was a concern of mine.
I heard Trump wants his SIL to be able to do something, or get security clearance or something. I guess some Jews might be happy that Trump is “consulting” with someone Jewish. Although, he just looks so young to me, and I know nothing about him.
@Zaku Well, mark your calendars people; there are some things we agree on.
2. Pretend like there’s a war on “terror”
Maybe there is a war, if there is, it might have been started by the US, but for sure exploited of the populace after 9/11 as the safety of one’s family safety.
3. Militarize the police.
I see it as an exploitation, the criminal elements is so bad, over and above power is needed to keep John Q American and his family safe, or Suzie Single Mother from the evil pervs trying to make merchandise of her and her family because they have no man as a covering.
6. Dumb down the media.
The people play so little attention to the details, they don’t need to.
8. Increase gun regulations. Find out who has large caches of weapons.
I guess that could be a reason behind the alleged Sandy Hook shooting, so-called family members were touting the need to know the mental state of every member under the roof where a private firearm was housed, so maybe they can deem someone unstable and remove the guns effectively disarming Americans.
9. Remove people from the military who wouldn’t fight US civilians.
I guess that is why the UN was involved in some of the Jade Helm exercises allegedly taking place at abandoned but sealed off Walmarts, if Martial law implemented foreign troops might have less compunction shooting ”upstart” Americans as their fellow countrymen would.
@Hypo I guess that is why the UN was involved in some of the Jade Helm exercises allegedly taking place at abandoned but sealed off Walmarts, if Martial law implemented foreign troops might have less compunction shooting ”upstart” Americans as their fellow countrymen
That sounds paranoid. Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet… See your own point number 6. Don’t be gullible.
^ That sounds paranoid. Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet… See your own point number 6. Don’t be gullible.
I was just commenting on what was said about weeding out those who won’t go against their fellow American. Is there nothing to it, all the tanks and such moving around the Midwest, the sealed off Walmart stores, UN troops doing exercises on US soil? There might not be, but some I know who lived during WWII, or had parents that did, spoke of no one thought it possible Hitler would do what he did and how, but people were kept in the dark until it was too late, especially the Jews especially. However, anything I would entertain from that would not be from mainline media as they would just be given the party line or would be part of the spin.
Just because there have been conspiracies in the past, eg the Holocaust, doesn’t mean that all conspiracy theories are always true.
There are no such thing as “UN troops”. They can’t possibly be doing joint training with the US military if they don’t exist, right?
@olivier5 Just because there have been conspiracies in the past, eg the Holocaust, doesn’t mean that all conspiracy theories are always true.
Sure, same as not all organized crime are the MOB, but part of conspiracies effective duplicity it to never get on the radar of anyone, or even rely on the apathy of the populace, like having a cancer but denying it and never getting treatment, just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t mean it is not there, it just means you won’t do anything about it. No one will really know there is nothing there unless they bother to even take a look.
Quite right but then DO take a look by yourself. Don’t believe others. Liars abound. Whoever told you there were UN troops training in the US is a liar or an idiot.
Look also at the steps listed by Zaku. You are ALREADY living in a dictatorship, and the election of a guy with fascist tendencies like Trump will only make it worse. No need for UN troops and secretly closed Walmarts… You did it all by yourselves. But of course the apathetic populace doesn’t believe it.
^ Quite right but then DO take a look by yourself. Don’t believe others. Liars abound. Whoever told you there were UN troops training in the US is a liar or an idiot.
The thing about camera phones, you can be filming without anyone noticing, so sneaked footage from inside a closed Walmart where there are government people along with UN troops, be it not many, could be faked, but then so could everything else that is seen, we can say that the footage of cops shooting people were faked. I do not know what they are doing, but given what governments do, anything is plausible.
You are ALREADY living in a dictatorship, and the election of a guy with fascist tendencies like Trump will only make it worse.
No, but it would have been closer had Jezebel Clinton got elected.
Do you even know who Jezebel is?
Begin a propaganda narrative about the “threats to our way of life” and those who “hate our freedoms” and introduce measures to protect the good guys like you and me from these “others” and you will be there in no time. Legislation will be required but can be called “the Patriot Act” or similar so you can’t really oppose it without becoming an enemy of the state. Childishly simple but the worst thing about it is it works.
Do you even know who Jezebel is?
As juicy as it is, don’t bite….. just don’t go there…. stay on the high road.
^ Because YOU have no clue, don’t try to bait it out of me, you act like a Bible scholar, go look it up. I will give you a hint, start here 1 Kings 16:31.
I know precisely who Jezebel is.
You’re calling a woman who is an active politician “Jezebel”, though she possesses none of the traits thereof. I’m wondering why you chose that name – whether you had a particular reason, or you were just trying to come up with the first Biblical “bad chick” name you could think of.
@Seek he is a Pharisee, unable to see that those who wish to help the oppressed are following a New Law, and that the Law of Leviticus has been cast aside.
So you actually saw some aledgedly ”sneaked footage from inside a closed Walmart where there are government people along with UN troops”? I’d be curious to see that…
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