Meta Question

Zaku's avatar

Why does marking an answer great now move the browser focus up to the top of the question to show that it happened?

Asked by Zaku (30714points) November 17th, 2016

It used to just increase the GA count and remove the link to vote for it. Now it displays a blue banner at the top of the question saying it was marked… and it also scrolls my browser view up to see that.

If this is a change, I’d like to suggest it either not do that, or that it display that banner down on the question you GA’d, because otherwise on a question with many answers, it loses my place reading through the answers, which for a question with many answers is disruptive and has me consider not bothering to keep reading.

If it’s not a change, I wonder why it’s now happening and what I could do to stop it.

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7 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

That was happening to me, but it isn’t now.

What I did as a temporary banner bypass was open the GA link in another tab, which is where the banner intruded, instead of the tab I was on.

Zaku's avatar

Interesting, and nice workaround! Thanks!

janbb's avatar

This is something that happens off and on intermittently. I’m not sure what triggers it.

Mariah's avatar

This behavior has always been in place; I think it happens if the AJAX call to the “regular” GA behavior fails. Calls failing more frequently now probably have to do with the recent server issues, which seem to have been resolved yesterday, so try doing a hard refresh or cache clear on your end.

Zaku's avatar

Ok, thanks for the added info. I see that for me too it is only happening sometimes now.

Stinley's avatar

I think a hard refresh on a pc is Ctrl+F5

ibstubro's avatar

My computer has a script blocker, and until I enable Fluther, it jumps to the top of the page whenever I GA.
Make sure all your apps are updated, IMO.

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