General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Some good news this week?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) November 17th, 2016


Oreo has released a candy bar!

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14 Answers

Rarebear's avatar

Hayao Miyazaki is coming out of retirement!

CWOTUS's avatar

Hillary Clinton still isn’t the President-elect!

Coloma's avatar

I am loving my new little home, it is so cute and cozy!

JLeslie's avatar

The handyman came today and installed more shelves in my closet. I’m super happy about it.

ragingloli's avatar

There actually is a (very NSFW) game called “genital jousting”. I laughed myself to death.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Apparently Donald Trump is not as horrible as people imagine… at least for now.

Pachy's avatar

Useless junk I’d stored in a various garages over many decades got picked up and hauled away today. My spirit is lighter, and so will be my upcoming moving bill.

Stinley's avatar

Fantastical Beasts is out today here. I’m taking four 10 year olds to see it tomorrow

SecondHandStoke's avatar

The Grand Tour premiered on Amazon.

I was many happys.

Coloma's avatar

My daughter is coming up to see my new place tomorrow and have a little birthday celebration. She turned 29 yesterday. Man, where have the years gone? I can’t believe I have an almost 30 year old “child.” I still haven’t lost the last 10 lbs. of the baby gain weight, but hey, it’s only been 29 years. lol

gamingchair's avatar

Colorado mailman Jeff Kramer usually treads lightly when he sees a dog approaching him on his route.

“You don’t check out a dog first,’’ he told TODAY’s Janet Shamlian. “You let it check you out and you’re much better off that way.”

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