Social Question

josie's avatar

If your senators are from both parties, do you contribute to each of them?

Asked by josie (30934points) November 18th, 2016

A recent question gave me pause to reflect on this.

In my state, there is one Republican Senator, and one Democrat Senator. I have met them both, and both are reasonable guys who, in their own way, do their best for their constituents.

I contribute (not much of course) to each of their campaigns, as well as my district Rep.

I do this, because if you are contributor, they will probably read your mail or email. And it makes it easier on those rare occasions when I get to actually talk to them.

My girlfriend (who was not born in the US but is a now a citizen) thinks that is crazy. She, maybe because she grew up in a repressive Middle Eastern country, regards the opposition party as the “enemy”.

Which I think is crazy.

But still. Maybe I should just choose one or the other?

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5 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

No, I think you have the correct but rare attitude. While I may have minor political differences with someone if they are sincere in their attempts to do the right thing you should still get behind them regardless of party. The only politician I ever felt really good about casting a vote for is our mayor. She is a democrat but understands what this city needs and follows through with it. The opposite party is not the enemy unless you act like a little baby and make them the enemy.

zenvelo's avatar

Both of my Senators are Democrats, and I support them through voting for them, but not by giving them money.

But your idea of donating to each on both sides of the aisle is fairly common. A lot of corporations and trade groups do the same, because they want to be able to get a meeting when necessary.

Rarebear's avatar

I do not contribute to politicians. Too much spam ensues.

Pandora's avatar

On a rare occasions both people can be right. If you know that you will always have one democrat and one republican, because of demographics, then by all means support both. Especially if you can make your voice heard. It’s better to have the devil you know than the one you don’t. If the Republican is by all means a decent person than why not support that. The next Republican to replace him may not be that great.

But if you know he supports the very things that would divide the nation, then she is right. He is the enemy and he will take your money with his two faces and smile at you as you complain, and throw your complaint down the trash can the moment you walk out of the room. Money never truly opens minds. It has to be open and willing to receive and accept different ideas.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

My senators are Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, a pair of progressive liberals (and my neighbors!). I send contributions, vote for them, and have been known to show up and volunteer.

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