General Question

Strauss's avatar

What is the standard tip for a manicurist (or other professional, for that matter)

Asked by Strauss (23835points) November 18th, 2016 from iPhone

I’ve worked for tips in the past, and I feel that a job well done is deserving of a tip. Is it calculated as a percentage of the cost of the procedure? For a student at a cosmetology school, for example, would the tip be calculated differently than in a professional salon?

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9 Answers

cinnamonk's avatar

I usually tip the person who waxes my brows 20–25%. So, I pay $24—$25 for a ~20 minute procedure. I assume this rate would work for a manicurist as well.

zenvelo's avatar

15% to 20%. I tip my hair stylist $10 on a $55 tab, same as I tipped her when it was $45.

The student doesn’t charge as much, so tip based on percentage, unless the student does an excellent job, then you can tip $5 more than the percentage basis.

JLeslie's avatar

I give 15–20% usually.

filmfann's avatar

20%. More if she is in high demand.

jca's avatar

For me, on a 55 dollar color job, I pay a $10 tip. The two times I’ve gotten a mani/pedi and it was $25, I gave a $5 tip.

ucme's avatar

I think (insert username here) nailed it

Pachy's avatar

I’m a 20%-er most of the time if the service had been good or better. If less than good, 10–15%.

Oh—and lately I’ve gotten into the habit of leaving my tip in cash rather than adding it to my credit card, particularly if service is exceptional, to be sure the server gets my full tip.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I give my hairdresser 20%, because his fees are on the high side. My manicurist/pedicurist charges much less, but works just as hard, so she gets 25%. I give the shampoo technician (once upon a time, “shampoo girl,” but yuck) a flat $5.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca That’s cheap for a mani-pedi!

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