Social Question

MrGrimm888's avatar

Who will Trumpers blame, if he turns out just like his critics say he will?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) November 20th, 2016

They always blame Obama, or the democrats.

They are incapable of accountability.

We know he has NO idea how to run this country, and his appointed supporting cast (so far) looks as bad as him.

So. If Trump and his team turn out to be as terrible as suspected , who will the Republicans point the finger at? (We know they won’t take responsibility. )

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45 Answers

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Trump will blame his Band of Douchebags.

Trump’s supporters will blame Trump.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The right has had a good run at blaming Obama for everything so they will bleed that till they can’t bleed it anymore.

janbb's avatar

Trump will blame the cast of Hamilton.

kritiper's avatar

Anyone and anything except themselves.

Sneki95's avatar

I think his followers will support him, even if he turns out to be horrible. Because his horrible may end up being their great.

canidmajor's avatar

No, @janbb, be a grownup about this, geez.
He’ll blame Alec Baldwin, you silly Penguin!

JLeslie's avatar

Some of the right won’t mind blaming Trump. They will just swoop in and say this is why we need a real conservative in the White House, and then run with one of their religious right guys.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The media, which takes everything he says and everything he does and puts it on television. They are so crooked.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yep It will be the “mainstream” media. And that nonsense is really tiresome as well as stupid. Trump says or does something asinine and journalists are “biased” for reporting it. I suppose we are to assume that the man only acts the fool when someone is there to notice. Or is it that the presence of reporters triggers some Pavlovian response?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

~He won’t have time to blame anyone. We will be all dead.~

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m pretty sure they’ll still try to blame Obama. Logic and understanding the chain of causality were never the strong suits of Trump supporters.

Jaxk's avatar

Let’s see, the Democrats have blamed Bush and the Republicans for everything wrong in the world for 8 years now. Seems a bit hypocritical to start blaming Trump before he even takes office. But of course Democrats have never shown any hesitation to be hypocritical. No Presidency has ever fixed everything and they all have accomplishments. Democrats will focus on any thing wrong and Republicans will focus on accomplishments. The world goes on and the petty squabbling will as well.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Nice try @Jaxk The rep/cons have been blaming Obama for everything gone wrong in the last eight years.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Maybe I’m ignorant , but I don’t see any comparison between GW’s presidency and Obama’s.

Bush nearly destroyed the world, and although most of that blame should fall on Cheney, he still made a mess of things.

Does no one think of how many wars Obama DIDN’T get the US into? His diplomacy alone, should be seen as a massive positive.

His level head, and carefully considered actions will be sorely missed.

I hope I’m wrong about Trump’s inability to be diplomatic.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I hope we are all wrong with Trumps inability to be diplomatic.

Jaxk's avatar

@MrGrimm888 – Wow, I can’t help but wonder what world you’re living in. Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Ukraine, Virtually everything he’s touched has has gone to shit. Even Turkey is deteriorating into an Islamic Theocracy as a result of the Syrian conflict. Obama’s foreign policy has been a colossal disaster. His foreign policy has been to destabilize governments and walk away.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^WRONG…..Embarrassingly wrong.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk the world was going to shit with or without Obama and he’s threaded the needle remarkably well. It was Bush who released the brakes on the big locomotive, and opened the throttle. Obama has had the sense to finally understand that there is little to be done that will assure a positive outcome from our involvement in the region. Obama hasn’t destabilized a damned thing. Turkey isn’t deteriorating into an Islamic theocracy, it is RETURNING to an Islamic theocracy. As I’ve told you before, there cannot be a stable democratic government coexistent with Islam, when the separation of Mosque and state amounts to anathema. The choice ALWAYS amounts to iron fist autocratic government, whether it’s secular government suppressing religious pressures or religious domination over secular tendencies. Once Bush toppled that first domino, the rest was more or less inevitable. And the Russians would probably blow the world up before allowing Ukraine to cozy up to NATO. Putin is faced with Russian instability at the prospect of ANY clear and obvious threat to the home of the bulk of the Russian fleet. Ukraine is absolutely key to his vital interests, and Obama would be a fool to not recognize the truth.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Who will Trumpers blame when he back tracks on EVERY political promise he made, like he’s doing now?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@JaxkBut of course Democrats have never shown any hesitation to be hypocritical.” Ha ha! See my post, right above this one!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Preach on @stanleybmanly .

I wasn’t going to waste my breath…..

Jaxk's avatar

@stanleybmanly – I am a bit reluctant to respond to such blatant horseshit. If toppling Hussein was a bad idea then how could toppling Gaddafi be a good idea? how could toppling the governments of Libya, Egypt, and Syria be a good idea? There is no question that Obama has destabilized the entire Middle East with both his actions and inaction. Your using the same arguments Democrats try to use for the economy here at home, ‘the recession was so bad nobody could have fixed it’. Stop covering up for the failures of the Obama regime.

@Dutchess_III – I don’t see the backtracking problem. I don’t care if Hillary goes to jail, I just don’t want in the Whitehouse. Hell I had no problem with Ford pardoning Nixon and I have no problem if Obama pardons Hillary (or if Trump simply let’s it die). A few years of debating whether Hillary should be in Prison will only hurt the country. Let it go.

The real question here is what do the Democrats do when the economy improves? When world affairs improve? Denial is the likely response or it was getting better anyway. What crap.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t consider his back tracking as a problem either, @Jaxk. And it’s not just the Hillary thing he’s taking back. It’s virtually everything he said. I find it quite relieving.

However, many of his supporters voted for him based on his hateful, sexist, racist, anti-constitutional promises….and he’s backing off of those promises. I would imagine many of his supporters have a problem with that.

There is no grounds upon which Obama can pardon Hillary. She hasn’t been convicted of any crime, because she hasn’t committed any. Those were just a lot of rumors and bullshit people were throwing around.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk You keep missing the obvious. Instability IS the natural order in the region. And you are certainly misstating my position in claiming that I was in favor of taking out the tyrants. I’ve been yelling at you since my arrival that meddling with the affairs of the region can only come to grief. So I ask you to backup your fantasy of Obama’s destabilization of Gaddafi and Egypt by telling us EXACTLY how he did it.

Jaxk's avatar

@stanleybmanly – I can’t believe that as much as you spout about the middle east, your unaware of Obama’s participation. Libya is the easiest. 110 Tomahawk missles, naval blockade and no fly zone had an impact on Kaddafi’s overthrow. In Egypt it was significant military aid as well as political cover. How did you miss all this and it was direct influence by Obama.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Jaxk .Just stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Dutchess_III The best line: “Google, what is ISIS?”

Dutchess_III's avatar

SNL is so great! I can not believe that Trump whines and carries on about them making fun of him like he does. Jesus. The mentality of a 3 year old.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk You’re right, and I’m absolutely at fault for ignoring the things to which you refer. Obama did indeed hop onboard the Western fantasy train of whisking Gadaffi away, and lining up with the Egyptian rising, as well as the Syrian rebels. But he hardly deserves blame for the catastrophic consequences of all 3. His great failure as is yours was in not recognizing the inevitability of those consequences. But at least he has come to see the futility in massing armies in the region, and deserves considerable credit for resisting the exhortations of those pushing such inanities.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree @Dutchess_III and your country just elected him, carry aint it?
What gets me is the amount of women that voted for this guy just boggles my mind I expected him to get the red neck white guy vote but I thought women were smarter than than this I guess I was wrong.

gorillapaws's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 People in this country are hurting badly. They are furious about our current political system that rewards the 1%, ignores the will of the people and is for, by and of the establishment. In their infinite wisdom, the DNC rigged the primary against Sanders and propped up the worst pro-establishment candidate in the history of our country. Trump took advantage of that popular discontent and channeled it into a message of reform. This is his campaign’s final ad and it shows exactly why he won. Clinton went right and Trump went left.

Of course now he’s showing that it was all a lie, as most of us knew it would be. Honestly though, Clinton would be doing awful stuff had she won. She’d be putting Wall Street execs in positions of power, crushing the progressive left in the party, etc.

kritiper's avatar

Here’s a thought: Could Trump be the antichrist???

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have said that before, I think I may have even posted a question to that effect @kritiper , I sure as hell hope not ,but look at the people he is choosing for his staff a lot of these nut balls have been called radical right wing, by THE RADICAL RIGHT WING if that doesn’t say something people are going forward with ears and eyes shut tight.

stanleybmanly's avatar

He’s at it again this morning with Taiwan. The things the man does not know about the workings of his country threaten to choke off what’s left of the illusion of ours as a functioning government. Four years ahead of “the dog ate my homework”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@gorillapaws, and all indications are that Trump will be a thousand times worse about ignoring the 99% than any other president in history.
You say Clinton would “be putting Wall Street execs in positions of power, crushing the progressive left in the party, etc.” The Duck is putting Big Oil execs in charge.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Sigh…. it’s not looking good so far…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

NO SHIT!! @MrGrimm888 the way way he is stacking his staff scares the shit out of this Canadian I couldn’t imagine having to live in your country, with this nut bar at the wheel.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. Sorry world….I recommend large, frequent doses of your fine Canadian Whiskey. Wiser’s, and Crown top my list.

What a dumpster fire…

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, it’s not looking good at all.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Dutchess_III “Trump will be a thousand times worse about ignoring the 99%... ”

If Trump manages to push through some protectionist legislation, he may actually be more progressive than what Hillary wanted to do with the TPP, and what Bill Clinton did do with NAFTA. It’s hard to say because Trump’s a lunatic and it’s impossible to know what he’s going to do next. The Carrier fiasco certainly indicates that he doesn’t have a clue how to keep jobs in the US.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think Trump will be able to “push” anything “through.” He has no fecking idea how to.

Here is an excerpt from an article I read at work, and emailed back to me. IMO, it says it all:

“We know enough to outline the essentials of the Donald Trump presidency. Trump will not spend much time in the White House; subconsciously, he knows he doesn’t belong there, and the constant pressure to absorb complex information and take responsibility will drive him out. Instead, he will escape regularly to Trump Tower or Mar el Lago, share his deepest thoughts on Twitter, and jet around the country, holding events to convince himself he is beneficent and much loved by the people. Meanwhile, Mike Pence and his merry Cabinet of Deplorables will stay in Washington and set about the task of wrecking the government and creating confusion overseas, while funneling more of our tax dollars upward to the benefit of their patrons. Trump will deny it is happening, and blame others for it, simultaneously; and his supporters will believe him, because they “Googled” it. The press will wring its hands. Congress will stay in recess. And on the streets, things will get uglier, fulfilling Trump’s vision of a broken American. Now, other paths are possible, but seem less likely, due to a deficit of courage.”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

WOW^^^ sounds spot on,hope to god it aint true but still sounds spot on, but don’t worry the Rep/cons will still try to blame even this on Obama.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Probably!

Shall we take a vote on who thinks the Duck will last even 1 year before Something Happens?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Something happens? He can’t get in the fkn door before screwin up. It’s no longer about whether or not there are going to be serious unprecedented “shortfalls” in judgement. The only speculation remaining is about the frequency and severity of the upcoming disasters. Like starvation threatened drought victims desperate for rain, we all look at Trump for any hint that he might rise to the job. Talk about disappointment.

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