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What are some of the first websites you can remember?
As the title says. And what were these sites, what did you do there? How long ago was this, and are these websites still active?
I can remember in high school, in grade nine I used to go to the computer class during lunch and after school, going on a website called TheBelly. You could chat with people, play some mini games, it was all pretty basic but I made an online friend there. I didn’t have Internet access at home, so we sent each other letters through the mail for a little while. Wherever you are Beth, hi! Lol.
There was also GoreGallery, where it showed nasty pictures of dead people and accidents and such. As far as I know that site still exists but is badly maintained, as in, not at all.
And then there were the various Sailormoon fan sites I liked to visit, back when “webrings” were the shit. All this was done on AltaVista, Yahoo and Webcrawler.
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