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Pandora's avatar

Is it just me or are photographers going out of their way to only take bad shot?

Asked by Pandora (32542points) November 20th, 2016

I’ve noticed a lot of people lately look horrible in news media shots. When you look at the video’s sometimes attach, you don’t see the micro funny faces one can have in little moments as they move. But then you see the still photos and out of hundreds of perfect shots they could’ve chosen they seem to pick out only the horrible shots.

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4 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Media photographers are the lowest form of life. The paparazzi purposely position themselves to get up the skirts photos of young starlets and singers. They prey on the drugged up lost souls like Brittany Spears or Paris Hilton. They break every law about privacy. They’re disgusting, and their practice should be strictly monitored.

Pandora's avatar

I’m seeing it in TV News as well. Not just Paparazzi’s. It could also be sometimes on tv, that the HDTV is simply showing all the flaws more, especially since heavy makeup makes them look really fake. But the still shots they use are something else these days.
I don’t know if they have just gotten lazy and don’t care of if they are purposely trying to create a negative scenario by using the worst photos they can post. That goes for News Papers as well. The only one’s they haven’t tried to mess up is kids photos but that’s probably because most of the time it’s a missing kid and the parents provide the photo.

imrainmaker's avatar

I thought you were going to ask being photogenic / not..)

Pandora's avatar

Nah, I always thought only my husband could take a picture at the worst possible moment but it seems it everywhere lately. I just wonder if it is a tactic used these days to slant the news of the day about certain people, or if its laziness, or just really bad photographers. I love taking photos. I just can’t see taking bad shots of people. I go through all my photos and delete any of them that had poor lighting or bad angle. I’m not even a professional photographer and it kills me to take bad shots. I remember when photographers had pride in their work. Now it seems like any bozo with a camera can be a photographer. Quality, not required.

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