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LostInParadise's avatar

How would you satirize Donald Trump?

Asked by LostInParadise (32294points) November 21st, 2016

At first it seemed like Trump’s election was a gift from the gods of comedy. As much as I like Obama, I have to admit that he does not provide much material for being made fun of, but Trump should be a comedic gold mine.

On second thought that may not be the case. To satirize you need to exaggerate a person’s traits, but what if a person so awful that he is beyond exaggeration? Trump said that he could get away with shooting someone. How do you top that? Have him actually shoot someone? How do you exaggerate Trump’s treatment of women or remarks about immigrants? The funniest thing about the bits I have heard so far are the tweets that Trump sent in response. Is Trump going to sue SNL? They must be hoping for it, causing their ratings to skyrocket.

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