What is today's glitch for you?
As we all navigate our beloved Fluther, we experience a few glitches here and there. These are things that aren’t necessarily devastatingly disruptive, but they’re inconvenient and worth talking about. It might be better to think of these things as on the level of an eyesore: unpleasant.
Today, Nov. 21, 2016, many user’s icons are missing. I can see their answers and their names after the answers, but their icon is completely blank. Often when a picture is missing from something on a computer, there will be a blank box of some type. I’m not seeing that. I see nothing; it’s just empty space. I never realized how much I had got used to identifying a user by their icon. (I’m using Windows 7 with IE.)
Are you experiencing any glitches?
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11 Answers
Nothing I have noticed today, but yesterday when I changed my avatar the old one was showing up on the site but the new one was only showing up on my profile. Who knows, changed it again and now they jive. haha
I have a brand new laptop with Windows 10 and things are zinging along for me.
Zinging? Are you feeding your new laptop brownies?
It’s been about 45 minutes since I asked this question, and my glitch has fixed itself. I did nothing.
I see all the avatars just fine. But on the last question I asked I am not getting notifications of new activity on the question.
@Hawaii_Jake No, it’s just incredibly fast compared to my old one. That’s why it’s new. haha
Is a bit slow right now loading, but my be my internet connection, always glitches up here in these hills.
@Cruiser Lack of notifications is serious. That’s more than an inconvenience.
Probably just a glitch…it’s working again @Hawaii_Jake but I am on a different newer laptop.
Sorry to hear that there are glitches. They all do seem to have resolved, from what has been said. Sometimes the servers get out of sync but this resolves itself (timed jobs run periodically). If anything does go on and is not resolved by the usual actions (F5, Ctrl+F5, clear cache, log out of Fluther, using i.fluther.com then switching back (or vice versa)), then please do let Mods know directly and we can invoke the process of getting Ben or Andrew to look at it.
Nothing I noticed today , was a while that I couldn’t post a question but that seems fixed for now.
Seems a little slow to me this morning, taking awhile to fully load pages etc. Might be my internet connection though, storms ‘a comin’ and our IP is notorious for having issues in these hills when it is storming and windy.
Every once in a while, people’s lurve will sharply decrease.
One time, it even said 0 Lurve. Another time, I was able to catch it. I saw that a frequent user (I think it was @Coloma) had 4 lurve. I knew it couldn’t be right, so I clicked her avatar and her normal lurve showed up. Then, I went back to the previous page and the lurve also changed to show the normal amount.
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