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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What is today's glitch for you?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37847points) November 21st, 2016

As we all navigate our beloved Fluther, we experience a few glitches here and there. These are things that aren’t necessarily devastatingly disruptive, but they’re inconvenient and worth talking about. It might be better to think of these things as on the level of an eyesore: unpleasant.

Today, Nov. 21, 2016, many user’s icons are missing. I can see their answers and their names after the answers, but their icon is completely blank. Often when a picture is missing from something on a computer, there will be a blank box of some type. I’m not seeing that. I see nothing; it’s just empty space. I never realized how much I had got used to identifying a user by their icon. (I’m using Windows 7 with IE.)

Are you experiencing any glitches?

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