Well, I frequently have to approach belligerent, drunk people. Part of the job. (Security/ bouncer)
Last night I had to nullify a gentleman trying to pull a knife on me.
I can tell you, that regardless of how many times I’ve been in these situations, I still feel nervous, and afraid. But confident I can handle most scenarios.
I guess I’m saying, I think it’s human/normal to be reluctant around strangers. If you’re a person that doesn’t trust people.
And most people aren’t trustworthy.
I have to approach certain groups of strangers that are fighting ,and break it up, talk it out, or throw all involved out.
It’s all about self confidence.
@imrainmaker . You seem intelligent, and affable.
Be confident in yourself. Be yourself.
I’m not sure where you live. But in the American South, you can pretty much talk to anyone. It’s almost considered impolite not to acknowledge another person.
I believe you will be able to tolerate some awkward encounters , and then get traction.
Like most things in life, practice is required.
The more you socialize, the more comfortable you will become.
REMEMBER. Most people you meet are just as nervous as you, they’re just better at hiding it.
Peace n love.