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What does "You trip me out means" ?
A long time ago, me and a guy I really like stopped talking for a long time.
This summer i tried to contacted him after 3years and he ended up coming to my city for a weekend and chill with his friends and mine.
When he first called me to set to figure out how the week-end would go, I could feel he was a little uncomfortable, I could feel his awkwardness through the phone because back when we stopped talking it was because he played me. When he came, in real life he was really chill.
Although I really like the man, I had gone through so much pain but I’m still being the ‘bigger man’ and trying to have him in my life as a friend because he doesn’t want anything more with me.
My question is on texts he is super cold and basic. When I text him he just answers, there’s no exchange only one worded answers and the conversations are always short(he stops answering).
I asked him one day if I was on his bad side and why and he said ” because you trip me out” and another time he said “I’m tripped out by you ” what does it mean?
I’m so confused, in real life he is less cold. On texts he seems indifferent. Help
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