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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How is your tap water?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25161points) November 29th, 2016

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17 Answers

dxs's avatar

Boston. Excellent! It was also great in Providence. Supposedly at my school the water has lead or something but I drink it anyway.

gondwanalon's avatar

The water tastes good in Tacoma. Very soft like distilled.

zenvelo's avatar

My water comes from East Bay Municipal Utility District, in Norther California. Our water is pretty good, I’d rate it an A-, not quite as good as San Francisco.

Our water comes from dams and rivers that capture Sierra snow melt.

Pachy's avatar

Austin area. It’s drinkable but I use a filter on my kitchen tap for marginally better taste. Filtered water also tastes fizzed up with my SodaStream.

But mainly I drink Ozarka bottled water, and have for years. Just used to it.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

St. Lucia. Excellent right out of the ground. Sweet. It tests clean. It tastes much better than that of Pinellas County, Florida, which is chlorinated, fluoridated and god knows what else. The water there is barely drinkable.

rojo's avatar

Clear, soft, doesn’t wash the soap out of your hair without great effort.

We have a family farm about 125 miles southwest of here and I love the water there, I always feel clean after a shower.

Escha's avatar

Where I’m at in Colorado, I get nice fresh water from an aquifer that gets the water from snow melt in the mountains, so it is good clean and refreshing water. Plus, it doesn’t have an aftertaste like a lot of water I’ve had in other places.

FYI, don’t drink the water in Hanford CA. it is brownish in color and has a really strong sulfur smell.

flutherother's avatar

The water here comes from Loch Katrine and is very fresh and pure. When I want bottled water I fill an empty from the tap.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Brisbane, Australia. We have hard water, but it tastes fine.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Incredibly pure. After all it’s been filtered through so many people’s kidneys.

ragingloli's avatar

quite watery

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s potable but I filter it anyway since I hate the taste of chlorine

JLeslie's avatar

I’m in The Villages, FL. It’s ok for Florida. Florida is notorious for water that doesn’t taste great. I drink filtered water, just one of those refrigerator filters, which helps a little with the taste. Even straight tap here isn’t awful. The water is a little too hard, I think about putting a softener on the house.

Other cities I’ve lived in:

Lakeland, TN the water tasted earthy.

Westchester County, NY and NYC, NY has great tap water. It often wins against spring water.

At school at Michigan State University the water in campus tasted ok, but had a lot of iron in it. If you let a glass of water sit several hours the bottom of the glass would start to turn orange-red. I’m iron deficient, so probably that would be good for me now.

In Clearwater, FL it tasted like a chemical and got really bad at one point. A few months after I noticed we received a notice that a certain chemical was in numbers higher than allowed.

zenvelo's avatar

I went to school in Santa Barbara, where the water is notoriously hard.. Drinking glasses are permanently cloudy after a half dozen washings in a dishwasher.

In Chem 1A at UCSB, the first lab, to get one familiar with the lab equipment, is to determine the mineral content of 100 mL of tap water in parts per million. Findings usually came in from 450 ppm to 650 ppm.

tedibear's avatar

We live in NE Ohio and have well water. We have an excellent water softener and a drinking water system. Both of these help to provide us with great water. Our tap water (which goes through the softener) is good to drink, cook with and bathe in.

Sneki95's avatar

It’s very good today. it thanked you for asking about it

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

NYC tap water is pretty decent as it comes from a number of protected reservoirs and watersheds. The only thing is that it can taste metallic depending on the building/pipes—especially in some of the fabulous old pre-war buildings some ppl are fortunate enough to live in.

I live in a new development so it tastes great right out of the tap.

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