Social Question

MrGrimm888's avatar

What do you think about Texas' new abortion rules? (Details )

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) December 1st, 2016

Just read an article on the Huffington Post, that said Texas is now requiring that all aborted fetuses be buried, or cremated.

Miscarriages will also be cremated or buried regardless of the mothers wishes.

Despite the obvious agenda, throwing more guilt into the equation. This practice may significantly raise the price of abortions, possibly leading to less facilities offering abortions.

WTF Texas?....

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11 Answers

Seek's avatar

“I believe it is imperative to establish higher standards that reflect our respect for the sanctity of life,” he said in the email, from the state that looks for any way it can to increase the rate of state executions.

Seek's avatar


“We made certain changes to the rules along the way, including adding language to make clear that these rules don’t apply to miscarriages or abortions that occur at home, and adding language to clarify that birth or death certificate issuance is not required for proper disposition under the rules,” Ms. Williams said.

which kinda proves they’re not at all concerned with the fetus’s right to a burial, and completely concerned with flexing power over abortion providers.

(Source for both.)

Lightlyseared's avatar

And it’s not even the stupidest of Texas’s rules on abortion clinics.

And it’s not just Texas. Other states also have some stupid rules. Like forcing the doctor to lie about the risks of an abortion.

Mariah's avatar

Completely ridiculous. Burial is supposed to be a ritual to comfort the grievers. If women who had abortions wanted to have burials and thought their healing would be benefited by having burials, they would have burials. To mandate it is just another bullshit way to make the process more difficult. I hate that anti-choice people think that if they make abortion-havers suffer enough through the process that they’ll stop having abortions. If they need abortions they’ll suffer through whatever bullshit you mandate; you’re just adding to their pain.

zenvelo's avatar

Dr. Ben Carson will be concerned he can’t do any more research on fetal cells.

johnpowell's avatar

Expect more. This is Pence’s baby.

Zaku's avatar

I think way too much of the USA is frighteningly backwards and disgusting, and this law is one glaring example of that.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Sigh…. Yeah. That’s the impression that I’m getting too….

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I do not think too many thi9ngs good ever come from Texas, but I am not against it even though I may not be rah rah over it.

cazzie's avatar

This they mandate but complain about helmet laws. F’d up priorities.

cinnamonk's avatar

Were I Texan, and had this rule been in place when I had my medical abortion last year, I would have gladly welcomed the governor himself to come personally fish out the fetal remains from my toilet.

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