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JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

You can go back in time, but all you can do is see the world and talk to people. What would you do?

Asked by JeSuisRickSpringfield (8650points) December 2nd, 2016

Someone has invented a way to send you back in time, but it’s only a projection of you. This projection will allow you to see the world around you, talk to people, and hear what they say in response, but that’s it.

You cannot smell, taste, or touch anything in the past. You cannot pick up a gun to assassinate Hitler or eat the last dodo bird (though you could try to convince someone else to kill Hitler or describe to you what fried dodo tastes like).

So with those limitations, what would you do first? If you could take more than one trip into the past, what else would you want to do?

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18 Answers

josie's avatar

I would definitely go check out the guy that was Jesus Christ, and his buddies Peter and Paul. I am not getting into the notion of divine origins or resurrection or anything like that. I am atheist to the core.
I would simply like to lay eyes on the guys who pretty much singlehandedly laid the foundation for Western Civilization as we know it.

And while I was at it, I would sit in on Michelangelo painting the Cistine Chapel, or carving out David.

My next trip would be to see the very first critter that was unarguably the first example of the Genus Homo.

Finally, I would like to sit on a hill and watch a World War II North African tank battle.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would go to my childhood and tell all.

janbb's avatar

First is being with Jane Austen probably in Chawton Cottage – her last home – and talking with her about her writing and life. I’d also like to go with her and her mother and sister to visit her brother for dinner in the Big House.

Second one that comes to mind is accompanying John Muir when he first discovers Yosemite and the Hetch Hetchee Valley.

Sneki95's avatar

I wouldn’t talk to anyone. It would disrupt the time-space continuum or whatever. I heard you’re not supposed to communicate with anyone.

I would just walk around and look how people dressed and behaved, how cities looked, how was it to live in some periods of the past.

Is the time in the past limited? Like, do you get back to your time after a while? Maybe I’d make some schedule if it worked like that.

Are there other limitations? Can you go back only to a certain point, or can you go to any time in the past? If not, I may as well go back to the prehistoric age and see how humans back then lived and looked like.

I’d like to see some monumental, famous happenings, just to see and feel the moment, or some interesting moments in history. I’d like to see how some people really looked like, how did they speak and behave.

I’d like to see Gavrilo Princip. Not because I fancy him in any way, but simply because what he did triggered a chain of events that changed human history forever. WWI was an event that had an enormous impact on whole European civilization, and it all started with one teenage boy killing a duke. I wonder if he was aware of what did his doing trigger. Perhaps he never even dreamed that what he did would spark such a huge, horrifying period. I’d visit him in his prison, just to see his face. Was he a real, hardcore terrorist blinded by nationalism, or some deluded boy who believed he was doing something good? What would be his reaction, if I actually told him everything that happened after his death? Would he feel guilty?
I’d also like to visit Tesla, and Michelangelo, and Bosch, and may others.

I’d also like to witness some happenings. How did people react when they used internet for the first time? How did it look to see the first airplanes ever flying in the sky, or first steam powered ships? How did the first flight into space turn out? How did the world celebrate the year 2000? How did the Great Schizm take place?

Who spoke the first language, and when, and where? How did all those ancient languages, like Proto-Indoeuropean, Summerian, Proto-Slavic and others, how did those languages sound like?

I’d just watch and listen.

I’d avoid any war attacks and battles, I don’t need to see that.

Coloma's avatar

I’d go far enough back before there were people and watch the dinosaurs. haha

JLeslie's avatar

I’d go back and ask my grandparents and great grandparents all sorts of questions about coming to the US and their families.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’d like to see and Rome about 100 AD and Tenochtitlan about 1500 AD, at their heights.

I’d like to go everywhere and see the great cities, but those two would be the first.

imrainmaker's avatar

I would like to see how evolution took place and how our ancestors survived in those creepy conditions and try to learn a thing or two by observing them during different stages. I would definitely love to see how pyramids were built and man made wonders around the world and craftsmanship of old times.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’d go and talk to my mum. I would so love to know who she was, what made her tick, what made her happy and so on. Then I’d go and talk to my dad and my grandparents. I have questions for my dad that I can’t get answered anywhere else. I’d go and find my grandfather and find out what happened to him. Where did he die?

There are a number of strong, amazing women I’d love to go and interview too. Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters for instance.

What a fun thing it would be to be able to do such a thing.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I would like to see for myself if all those historical conspiracy theories are true.

flutherother's avatar

I’d like to go back to ancient Rome to observe people in their daily lives. I wouldn’t speak to anyone as I don’t speak Latin.

chyna's avatar

I want to know how they built the pyramids.

filmfann's avatar

I would like to view the JFK assassination, and try to resolve what happened.
It might not be my first choice, but it would be top ten.

tinyfaery's avatar

I just want to see The Smiths perform live.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

^ Oh good idea. I’d go and see Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd , The Doors and a whole heap of bands.

Coloma's avatar

^ I saw Led Zepplin back in 77. I’m getting freaking old. lol

Seek's avatar

I’d go back to when I was 18 and had lots of pocket money, and tell myself to invest in Apple stock.

imrainmaker's avatar

I would also like to see how great scientists worked Sir Isaac Newton , Albert Eisenstein , Marie Curie and so on.

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