Social Question

imrainmaker's avatar

If granted a wish what would be one change you would like to make in the person's behaviour closest to you?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) December 2nd, 2016

It can be anything like their temperament, behavior, self indulgence etc. which when changed will make your / their life easier or happier than it’s now. What would be that change that you would like to see?

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5 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I wouldn’t / couldn’t do that. It is not my place to change someone else’s behavior. Their behavior, good or bad, is their personality. It would be presumptuous, even arrogant, of me to try and change them.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Nothing. I love my people for all their faults and virtues. And if I can change them, they can change me. Some of the things they might consider flaws could be things I like about being me.

imrainmaker's avatar

Why not? That’s what people do in a relationship right? They can be successful only if they are able to mould themselves with other person and vice versa. Reason of failure of most of them is rigidity in any format. I don’t know where question of arrogance arise if I’m thinking good for my close pal / partner. It doesn’t mean I am flawless. It can be as simple as your s/o to start exercising regularly which will help him / her in the long run.

Sneki95's avatar

I’d make my mom realise she doesn’t need to yell when she speaks. We are all usually just several meters away from her, not on the other part of the village.

Mariah's avatar

Matt’s already perfect, in my eyes.

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