Social Question

imrainmaker's avatar

How can we make our lives more interesting?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) December 3rd, 2016

There are times when you feel bored by same work / activities we perform day in day out. How can we change it? Any suggestions?

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8 Answers

Sneki95's avatar

Do mundane things in a way you don’t usually do them. For example, start writing with your non-dominant hand, or go to work/school through a different route, or if you go by car, try walking. If you wear headphones while walking, take them off and listen to the random city noise.

Listen to the music you’ve never considered listening before. Like, if you’re into country, try lowercase or death metal. Or vise versa. The more experimental the genre is, the more interesting it will be to listen to it for the first time. Bonus points if it is foreign, like in a foreign language or from a band outside the one you live in.

Have walks with no definite plan. Just get out and walk around, let your legs carry you.

Clean your room and rearrange the furniture. It will look weird for some time until your brain gets used to it. While you do that, you can see what you don’t need and throw it away. It will take you a lot of time to sort out what you don’t need and how to deal with it. Change the environment: get the curtains with different colours or something.

Get a book. Any book. It will occupy you.

Go to TV Tropes Here is one intersting page to start from. This thing is contagious, it will get you read for hours.

Focus on having this day interesting, not the whole life.
Have fun with these.

imrainmaker's avatar

^^nice .. Thanks..)

ucme's avatar

Childish banter & behaviour, works wonders.

cazzie's avatar


abcbill's avatar

While the words and current spotlight on the activities would make these twins of consciousness seem like the latest buzz from Big Sur or Leucadia, CA, they are not….

First, be mindful of what and how you are doing everything you do. This is deeper than awareness. I still have trouble with the focus.

Second…this one will just gall some people…be grateful…This one took a long time to develop as habit…not sure why. And I am not referring to a “journal” or saying grace before eating, those actions are fine, they just don’t fit me personally. During the day something will just be special for no particular reason…the other day it was a particularly good result of a Boolean search string…and I will acknowledge the positive feeling.

Both practices have long histories in areas of the Spaceship Earth where the “countries” have histories of thousands of years…not like the US which has a history of less than 300…


janbb's avatar

I look out for things – movies, exhibits, nature walks – that seem like they will enrich my life and experience of the world. Then I make a plan with friends to do them. Yesterday I went to a local ice factory that had a Christmas display of ice sculptures on the Nutcracker Suite. Another day I read there were whales off a local beach and walked down to look for them. I look for beauty as I move through the day. As I was going to the bank, I saw that the sunset was casting glowing purple and orange lights on the lake. I walked back to it with my phone and took pictures to paint and post.

Someties just noticing the sunlight in my house in the morning or afternoon is enough to enrich my day.

josie's avatar

Exercise. And read a lot. It is a good way to break routines, and each pay huge benefits to self.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Pretend you are describing the activity to someone else. What are you doing? Why are you doing it? What happens if you didn’t do it right? You will see it through different eyes.
I practiced a foreign language by doing that.

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