Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What are some things you would never post on Facebook?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 4th, 2016

What do some people post on Facebook that just floors you?

If you never go on Facebook just skip this question.

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39 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What you ate for supper. Unless it’s from a five star resteraunt.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sometimes I post food on Facebook, especially food I made up that happened to turn out great, like this quiche.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III Then that is fine.

Sneki95's avatar

Cheesy romantic verses and inspirational quotes. Makes me vomit when I see that.

anniereborn's avatar

My friend posted about her daughter having her first period.

anniereborn's avatar

yep, she can be awfully inappropriate at times. She has a heart of gold and is a good person, but sometimes her filter falls off

anniereborn's avatar

I hate when people post pics of their kids and then tag them. This of course puts it on their kid’s timeline. I’m sure teens love that. I am so glad I was in my 30s before social media appeared on the scene.

cinnamonk's avatar

potty-training pictures.

I’m glad my parents never took pictures of me potty-training, let alone share them with their friends, let alone put them on the freaking internet for all posterity.

cinnamonk's avatar

@anniereborn ditto that. I’m glad that I, not my parents, have been the one to shape my online identity.

I expect that in about 5 more years this kind of story is going to be a lot more common.

anniereborn's avatar

It’s always great when half of a couple (who are on each others friendslists) posts something shitty about the other one. And then a post fight goes on and on. Please be adults and do that in private. Sheeesh.

Dutchess_III's avatar


And when people post their drama and feelings, which are very strong, but don’t tell you what happened.

Sneki95's avatar

When the “sweet” couple gets an outpour of emojis in the posts/comments.

@Dutchess_III Haha, the ultimate attention whore.

“Omg, my life is over”
“Omg what happened?”
“I can’t talk about it”

Bitch, please

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Anything sexual. I just won’t do that at a public forum. Also, I hereby vow never to post any of the following:

“I dreamed about my crush last night. What does it mean?”

“Last night, I dreamed about my crush. What does that mean?”

“What does it mean that I dreamed about my crush last night?”

imrainmaker's avatar

Pics of workout in gym / showing muscles.. makes me wonder are they there for your own good or just for show off!

gondwanalon's avatar

I stay away from initiating anything on politics or religion. But I may comment on these topics on fb.

Also I don’t post jokes (too boring).

Cruiser's avatar

It truly amazes me to no end when people post that they are going here or there on vacation. Who in their right mind advertises to the world no one will be home for the next week or so?? Go ahead and help yourself to my stuff while I am away! Seriously?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right. I never mention when Rick is out of town, until he gets back.

chyna's avatar

^Why mention it at all?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Because crazy things happen when he’s gone! And they wouldn’t be crazy if he was there.

I don’t just randomly post “Rick was out of town.” There is always some event surrounding it.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Pretty much anything that could possibly be bad. I have four bosses, family and relatives on my fb. It’s not social media it’s a point of contact. My responses here are closer to my real self.

chyna's avatar

I don’t think I would ever mention that I even had been home alone, or that my spouse had been gone. But that’s just me.

Seek's avatar

I’m not certain what my hard limits are. I think it’s somewhere between naked babies and vivid descriptions of digestive functions.

Mimishu1995's avatar

The right question for me is “What are some things you would post on Facebook?” I use Facebook strictly for contact with people. I rarely post anything unless I’m asked to, which in that case usually selfies that bear the faces of the askers.

I hate every post that tries so desperately to be smart-ass. Pretentious life experience, wisecracking quotes… There’s no purpose in these posts except for a cheap attempt to show off. I specially hate it when the posts direct serious current events. The last election was an example. Lots and lots of smart-ass posts about how Trump is evil and what people should do to combat him. Then after a few days those posters forgot all what they said and returned to their stupid self. To add to the insult, sometimes the quotes are just to bring people’s attention to a selfie!

Posts that seem to be intended as some kind of secret codes piss me off too. Those posts always contain cryptic messages like “I’m sick of it”, “what a horrible thing”, “get out of my life now!” Only the people that were with the OP before the posts understand what happened, and post cryptic comments too. I don’t know what those posts intend to be, some kind of secret messages among certain people or a pity party. Come on, if you want to talk with certain people, why not just limit your thought to a chat group or limit your post’s audience?

But the posts that piss me off the most are the blatant pity posts. Things like “I’m so sick today, but I have lots of work to do. Wish me well guys.” or “OMG I lost my phone! I must try to find it or else I’m done!” Bonus minus point if a photo is included. Oh yeah, if you are in such distress, how do you still have time to craft a post on Facebook? Unless you are asking for some specific help which you obviously don’t do, go solve your freaking problem already!

Seek's avatar

^ Vaguebooking is the worst. Complain or don’t. You’re not mysterious, you’re annoying.

BellaB's avatar

I pretty much don’t say anything about family members. Not stepping on their privacy. Ever. Stuff about kids. Definite no-go.

I don’t post about friends either unless it’s something we’re sort of posting about together.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

.photos of people, particularly my family and me
.private information

filmfann's avatar

Pictures of your food.
I can’t believe people are so cruel, with the number of poor and under fed.

When you go on vacation.
It’s like announcing that your house is unoccupied. Come and get it!

How many guns you have.

jca's avatar

Disagreements with people. Food photos, not because of underfed people, just because we’ve all eaten nice dinners and I don’t see a reason to brag about it. Drink photos, ditto. I usually don’t post inspirational quotes or photos. If someone does something nice for me, I’m usually not bragging about it or thanking them on FB.

ttatia's avatar

food fotos, private information, my vocation plans. To tell the truth I rarely post anything about myself.

jca's avatar

I also almost never post political stuff, unless it’s a jokey thing like from The New Yorker or something. Once in a while if there’s an article from a real, legit news source, like The New York Times. Never never never will I post my own rant about any candidate. Never never never will I post negativity about another political party.

Same with religion.

I have a few friends who will not only post the above, but will then argue and proceed to unfriend those who argue with them. I really don’t see the point of that.

Mariah's avatar

I share more on Facebook than most would probably think is wise, specifically about my health situation. Not the gory details, but: here’s what happened, here’s how it’s affecting me. I see no reason to stop, because positive things always seem to come from it. My net of support is much wider than it would be if I were quiet about it all the time, which lifts me up a lot. Also, being open about it means that my friends know I’m someone they can talk to if they ever end up in a health situation themselves – and this has happened more than once. I really strongly believe that good things come out of sharing a little more with one another.

But the question was what I wouldn’t post. I would never post anything sexual. I would never post anything about dirty laundry between me and another person. That kind of stuff should stay private. I wouldn’t ever say anything derogatory about any group of people or any individuals. I try to keep it positive on Facebook. I typically didn’t get political either until this election – my advocacy for the ACA is too important to keep quiet – but I try to keep it positive and about what people can do to advocate for the things they believe in, rather than posting anything negative about my political opposition.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

For anyone with children, please be very cautious about posting their photos, names, and ages on Facebook. My brother-in-law did this regularly while his twin daughters were growing up. Eventually, a very sick and perverse consequence made him realize how foolish that had been.

snowberry's avatar

I never post anything on Facebook. I disabled my account years ago. But for those of you who insist on posting pictures, make sure before you take those pictures, that you have disabled your location on your device. Otherwise the location where each picture was taken will be available to those who know how to find it. Makes it much easier for stalkers, pedophiles, etc.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ I’d rather not here. I’ll PM you.

VenusFanelli's avatar

Information about bank accounts, credit cards, passports, etc. that identity thieves might use to rob me.

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