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filmfann's avatar

Wouldn't the zombies on The Walking Dead be cleaned up by hurricanes?

Asked by filmfann (52618points) December 4th, 2016

Most of the show takes place on the East Coast.
It’s not like the walkers would find shelter during storms.

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9 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Most would have been practically gone in a month or two just from decomposition.

MrGrimm888's avatar

They can exist underwater remember. Hurricanes might kill a few, but otherwise their numbers wouldn’t be greatly affected.

The real question is how long do they take to starve? There aren’t a lot of people left.

Obviously, scientifically speaking, zombies make NO sense at all. I just like movies, and shows about the breakdown of society. I like to see how people survive.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Zombies would be consumed by carrion eaters. Depending on the location, examples include vultures, hawks, hyenas, opossum, coyotes, and various insects. Nature’s very efficient about eliminating corpses. It’s very unusual to find animal remains while hiking through the wilderness; decomposition begins immediately, followed by an effective system of removal.

cinnamonk's avatar

Don’t you try to interject your fancy logic and reason into TWD!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ Well, it’s logic and reason vis-à-vis a universe with corpses that reanimate and attack living flesh!

ragingloli's avatar

Ha Ha! If their blood is coagulated and their lungs do not absorb oxygen, then their bodies could not produce adenosine triphosphate, a vital catalyst for muscle contraction.
Zombies are impossible.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Oh there are ways, what if a parasite invades the human body, slowly growing and consuming the rotting flesh. It keeps certain vital functions surrounded and safe as it slowly incorporates them into itself. As this happens it uses the human shape as a framework to form itself, essentialy a living creature inside a rotting corpse.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I think that show at some point kinda abandoned even its own internal logic. Probably right around the time our heroic survivors unlocked the Infinite Ammo perk.

Lonelyheart807's avatar

LOL! When I read your question, I thought you meant literally cleaned, as in all the mud and dirt and blood all over them…and so I thought, sure, a lot of rain and wind would probably clean them up at least somewhat.

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