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Can this mean the end if he does not reach out?
So my bf went to the states a few days to take a medicine test, but he didn’t tell me the date he was returning, I just know the date he was going to take the test, but he has to return here to finish his university last semester, this month is his last university month and he graduates in February.
So, I am feeling insecure whether this man that I have been for Two years with is capable of leaving me like a cloud of dust behind and not contact me anymore because he finished his career, we have not had the best relationship due to his study consuming time, but we kind of managed it, the point is, he is leaving back to the states when he finishes and I plan to leave as well with my family, the reason I am feeling like this is that I have a very good male friend that once told me:‘I don’t know this guy or anything, but I feel that at the end he will finish with you once he finishes his career
or basically disapear’ and that thing he told me has been stuck in my head since he said it to me, and know I have a bad feeling, I don’t know if its insecurity from my behalf. I have not called him neither do I intend to do it he should be the one that calls me to give me a heads up not me!
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