Does it really matter if Trump stays in the White house? (Details )
Many are making the assumption that Trump will spend as little time as possible in the White House. He will do most of his “presidenting” in Trump Tower.
Security is surely better in DC, but with technology being at the current level couldn’t a president run the show from almost anywhere?
My understanding of Airforce 1 is that part of its intended design is that the president can do all things presidential from the air, in case of nuclear war…
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17 Answers
There is a great deal of expense and security risk involved in keeping the President in one of the most densely populated zip codes in the country.
That’s to say nothing of the inconvenience to everyone else who lives and works there.
Secret Service people have homes and families in DC. The cost to house them in NY falls on the taxpayer, not to mention the human cost of separating them from their lives. The White House (and grounds) is essentially an island, Trump Tower is not.
I have read that it is costing taxpayers $1,000,000 a day to provide security for Trump Towers and that Secret Service (us) are paying rent to Trump to be housed in the building. So yeah, it is a problem..
In time of peace and no stress, then anywhere is OK.
But in times of war, danger, attack, the White House has the situation room in the sub-sub basement, and there are several presidential ‘escape’ places (Mt. Weather, Camp David, etc.) nearby Washington where the President and congress could go in case of attack. Those don’t exist in the NY area.
I think it’s a terrible message for Trump to not use the White House – not for security, but because it diminishes the power of the presidency.
But he doesn’t care.
It also sends a message that he is above the rules – or at least the protocols.
From what I understand, having the proper security for where he will be staying is going to cost much more than staying at the White House would. I honestly have no idea how based on fact that is, since I feel like a lot of online info is questionable these days.
I dunno why your presidents have such a hard on for the ivory pad anyway, I mean, Downing Street is nowt more than a “public stage” used to look prime ministerial in front of the media.
Yeah….if Trump thinks it’s okay to put that bill on the taxpayers but not worth it to user tax payer money to help sick people with their medical bills, then fuck him with a cactus.
Fuck him with a cactus and then stick him in the public healthcare system he’s about to have gutted.
Trump is going to be making a profit off of the room rentals. That may not be strictly illegal, but it sure seems like conflict of interest.
There is a lot to be said for gathering key people in a room to get a project done.
I have telecommuted, and I have worked at a company with offices around the country. If you aren’t physically at headquarters you lose influence, and when the boss is distant people take off on their own agendas.
@Call_Me_Jay In this case that might not be bad if we only had better folks minding the store!
I don’t care where he stays. I think we should provide security at the White House. If he stays elsewhere then he is on his own.
Of course then we have to worry about someone who has put, what is it, three former military generals on his staff setting up his own private security firm to keep him safe. Can you say “praetorian guards”? Sure you can….....
Just one mans opinion
Excellent contributions as always. I didn’t even consider the cost of security falling on tax payers…I’m not a fan of that.
#fuckhimwithacactus indeed…
For those of us who live in NYC, the traffic issue with Mr. Trump ensconced at Trump Towers (which will put about $2.4 million taxpayer into the Trump organization….) is just un-friggin’ real. Keep in mind the it is not just the President…it is also the First Family. Recently, Trump Wife 3 has been pretty much cut out of the picture and Ivanka has been stage center. There may be Secret Service protection extended to Mr. Trump’s extended family as well—not sure about that.
By the way, @rojo…the $600,000/yr. leases have been signed already for the suites and FLOORS of Trump Tower that the Secret Service and other agencies will be using. The City of NY will be billing the US for the extra police details.
When the prez goes somewhere in Air Force 1, there is a HUGE entourage of military planes that go along to carry the cars, podium and tons of other stuff. Doubt they would want all of that in NY. Besides, the security at Andrews is much better for all that stuff, and the White House has a place for Marine 1 to land.
I hope he doesn’t. I hope he goes for long walks, alone, in the ‘hood.
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