Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What is your opinion on the recent trend to put the faces of well known actors into video games, and not just their voices?

Asked by ragingloli (52374points) December 11th, 2016

As shown by the appearance of Kevin Spacey in the (godawful) Call of Doody series, and Mads Mikkelsen and Guillermo del Toro in the latest Death Stranding trailer
Will this give games a more mass market appeal, or will it curtail creativity in character design?

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7 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

It just goes to show how hard up (i.e. running out of money) these guys are.

But it’s capitalism. If some idiot wants to sell his image so that other idiots can see the image while they’re playing games, so what? The game developers (or maybe marketers) seem to think that this sort of thing will increase sales. And that’s what it’s all about.

As a Spacey fan (from the movies) I’m disappointed in him. But so what? I’m exercising my market role to not buy the game he is in.

Seek's avatar

It’s a lot harder to pirate a game than a movie. Makes sense to throw the budget into something that will actually make money.

Darth_Algar's avatar


How is it any different from any other acting role they take? I’m guessing neither Kevin Spacey or Mads Mikklesen are having trouble paying the bills these days.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I agree with @Darth_Algar . I don’t see a difference in acting in a play, movie, or video game.

Besides, I think one day movies and video games will merge. Some games are already pretty much a movie.

Zaku's avatar

I’m not a fan. I don’t even like animated films to use faces based on their famous voice actors. I feel like it’s a pollution from the star system of Hollywood marketing, which intrudes into the story. I’m generally don’t care about star celebrities and don’t want them visibly appearing in and artificial-izing my fictions. Of course, I’m such a game snob at this point that I’m likely not to be very interested in trying most games made by most companies that can afford (or who would choose) to employ stars.

I guess I could be in favor of it then, sarcastically, in that it will be a clear flag I can ignore games with stars.

ucme's avatar

Nowt wrong with it, just extending their image rights to rake in yet more dosh, good luck to them.
Lewis Hamilton gets into infinite warfare, shite game but still…

Seek's avatar

I love the fact that actors I like take voice roles in video games. Pretty sure video games were the main source of Bruce Campbell’s money between Army of Darkness and Burn Notice.

And I really, really don’t care whose face they use for things. Especially if it’s for games I don’t play. Haha.

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