If it was 1950 right now, what sort of questions would we see on fluther?
I stumbled on this question by JustJustine from 6 years ago. I thought it was really interesting! So I thought a repeat was due.
We have a whole different crew now, so I’m also interested to see of the tone of the answers will be different.
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82 Answers
Which motorcycle should I buy…the Indian Chief or the Harley-Davidson Hummer?
Will the Russians be coming?
What supplies do you have in your fall out shelter?
Whose your date for the sock hop?
Ah, the sock hop. So much yearning and hopeless love!
What about that Nixon guy running for president? Can an ass like that ever be elected?
I’m afraid my husband is going to leave me because I can’t get his ring around the collars clean enough, please help!
I really want to wear pants and a sweatshirt to clean the house, but my husband wants to come home to a clean house with me in a dress and heels, all my make up on, even if he comes home unexpectedly. My mom used to fix her makeup and hair before Dad came home….
Does this dream mean my crush likes me?
How can we stop Joe McCarthy from destroying the country?
Can anyone help me make the perfect Jello mold?
Good heavens, don’t put cottage cheese in the Jello! That’s just gross!
Have you seen Rio Bravo, or High Noon yet? Are they any good?
I can’t see any communist propaganda in them at all. Could the government be wrong about all the Communists in Hollywood?
Oh! I can sing the theme song to High Noon!
What ever happened to Dalton Trumbo? He was the best script writer in Hollywood, as far as I’m concerned. It’s like he just dropped off the face of the earth!
What kind of foods do you have stocked in your fallout shelter?
Does she or doesn’t she? (Only her hairdresser knows for sure!)
What would life be like in 2020?
Gene Roddenberry is the only one who could have begun to answer that.
@janbb That was meant to be a question someone might ask in 1950.
Do you think they should have some sort of rating system for the movies so we know what ones not to take our kids to?
What does it mean when in my dream my crush goes to war in Korea?
Should we have a complete and total shutdown on communists entering the United States?
My fortune teller told me Elvis would grow obese on burgers & die on the loo aged just 42.
Is she taking the piss?
I’m a Vietnamese and I’m saving up to move to America because of the recent rise of Communism. Can you tell me what Americans expect from a foreigner? And how can I move without being pursued by the Communist Party?
Where in the world is Viet Nam?
@Espiritus_Corvus oh, I almost forgot that Vietnam wasn’t that well-known back then :p
They had no idea. I think, of the few who new their Southeast Asian geography, they referred to the whole peninsula as Suriname and for those few who knew their geography extremely well, your part of it was still being called Cochin China. These anachronistic names were re-enforced a year later by the hit Rogers and Hammerstein Broadway Musical, The King and I.—the setting of which actually took place in 1862 in what is today Thailand.
Do you prefer cream of mushroom or cream of chicken canned soup when you make a casserole?
My wife will buy any product with a pickaninny on the label. She has little pickaninny statuettes all over the house. She thinks they are the most precious little things. And our colored maid doesn’t seem to mind at all.
I predict the Cubs will win the Worlds Series in 2016…(heretic set afire and dragged down a gravel road chained to a Chevy 3100 pick up truck.)
My daughter wants to go to college. What a ridiculous idea and waste of good money. She’ll just end up getting married and taking her rightful place as a wife and mother, like her mother and her mother before her. Why should any father in his right mind pay for a college education for a child who will never use it?.
Hell, I got that in the 70’s, from my father…. >_<.
Will there ever be a cure for polio?
If they do find one, do you think it’ll be before the end of Truman’s (not Trueman ;-p) administration?
At our regular three-martini lunch today with a senior partner in the firm, we discussed a candidate he has in mind for a new hire. This partner was my lieutenant back on Okinawa. We saw a lot of action together, he covered our asses like Mother McCree—in the field and with the brass—and he has my highest respect and loyalty. There has never been an officer with as much concern for his men. After the war, he was the one who urged me to use the G.I. Bill to got to law school, then brought me into the firm. If it wasn’t for him, I’d probably be shoveling coal in the bottom of some hellhole like my old man. He’s a good guy, but he’s got some crazy ideas.
After the second martini, he handed me the candidate’s resume. It was spectacular. Harvard Law. Honors. Harvard Law Review.
On the third martini, he divulged what wasn’t on the resume. This kid is colored. It turns out he is another one of the Lieutenant’s “social” projects.
Hey, let me tell you, I have nothing against colored people, per se. I even have some friends who are colored. But if we hired this guy, what would our clients say? I know for a fact we would lose clients over this and I know just the clients we would lose. Murdoch, from Duke Tobacco in South Carolina, would be the first. Reynolds would be right behind him. And the Winston-Salem guys? Jesus. This could cost us a fortune in contracts.
I think the Lieutenant is out of line this time. No. Excuse my French, but I think he is fucking nuts this time. Just suggesting this to the other partners could jeopardize his position in the firm.
What is there to be gained from crossing the color line like this?
@Dutchess_III Well, I would say that you aren’t in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. But you are. ;-)
Change has always come slowly to the Midwest and the South. Maybe it has to do with a rural people who had to be conservative to stay alive, a tradition of not wasting time and resources, of patiently waiting out weather, of waiting out bad years for the good. Experimentation, innovation represents risk and taking risks by accepting change too soon could often mean death in old days. Traditions are hard to break..
@Espiritus_Corvus Respect. First I want to thank you for your service.
Back to this candidate…You yourself said on paper this young man was top shelf. Apparently your senior partner thinks so or he would not have played his cards with you the way he did. What can be gained is a Harvard Law with honors graduate in your firm…the best of the best.
It sounds like there are racial barriers within your firm and I understand your sensitivity to them and your clients expectations. Your choice to either cross those racial barriers and welcome a top shelf “colored” lawyer or tell that kid to get to the back of the bus.
I’m fairly sure that @Espiritus_Corvus never served in WW2, has never worked as an attorney at a law firm, and if he did, would never oppose hiring a highly qualified black person for any racist reason, especially in order to keep tobacco companies as clients.
I.e., his post is a hypothetical 1950 question, preceded by 5 paragraphs of contemporary details.
@Brian1946 I suppose you are right…I stepped into what I thought that was only a puddle and it was actually 3 feet deep! XD
What the hey, you were only trying to help. ;-p
Heh, I was told I would be dis-inherited in the mid 70’s when I became friends with a black engineering student that helped me with my math challenges. My father actually took me aside and told me that if he ever saw ( insert extremely racist remarks ) so and so at our house again I would be cut out of the will to the tune of several hundred thousand at the time. I still got my inheritance but didn’t speak to my father for the last years of his life. I also slept with my math tutor unbeknownst to dear daddy. lol
@Brian1946 & @Cruiser. LOL. I actually thought Cruiser was taking on the character of a wild-eyed 1950 radical liberal in his response. FUBAR!
So, Mao is trying to “make China great again”, starting with this fucked up “agricultural reform”. Is the apocalyse near for them?
Also I’m glad I’m not Chinese ~
Nice play there @Espiritus_Corvus You had me going! Another reason I like the halls of Fluther…we have all kinds that can yank your chain in ways unimagined in this realm we call the real world…for better or for worse! ;) Very creative!
My 16 year old sister was getting fatter and fatter so our parents sent her to a “boarding school” for the rest of the school year. Will she lose weight there?
Have you heard about the Tucker Company court case, (they lost)?
Why, I’m shocked, @Cruiser. Thank you very much.
@Espiritus_Corvus @Cruiser You two are my 2 favorite guys on Fluther with the teensiest little crush going on as well. haha Teensy but hey, my 2 favorite guys should get along. lol ;-p
Do you think there will ever be a colored man in the white house?
I have two handsome bachelor neighbors who are sharing the duplex next door, do you think I should set them up with my sister and my cousin? Maybe they could have a double wedding if things work out.
We live in Queens, NY. There is a very mean little boy, about 4 years old, who lives on our block. My daughter, who was out playing on the stoop, came into the house crying her little eyes out. I asked her what was wrong and she said this kid, who happens to look like Howdy Doody, yelled at her and insulted her clothing. Mind you, I make all her clothes. She said he screamed, “Bad Muslin! Go Home!” and I told her not to worry, that her dress was made of cotton, and that that little boy had no idea what he was talking about. Do you think I should go down there and talk to his mother? I mean what kind of parents would allow their child to speak to someone this way? It was like he had no manners at all. A boy, 4 years old, should know his manners and be reprimanded for talking nonsense. A child like that must have been raised by bears. If his parents don’t teach him some manners, he’s going to be the next school yard bully. I don’t know what’s going on their household, maybe I should send my husband down there to investigate.
Are men nothing but dirty filthy beasts with eight hands & sex on the brain?
No wait, we see that type of shite now.
“Does anyone know where I can buy those Bettie Page magazines?”
Have you ever gotten on an airplane and all the ashtrays were FULL and they didn’t empty them? And you had to empty them yourself to make room for your butts? Should I complain to the Federal Aviation Commission?
Have you found a Commie under your bed?
No but my mom found a glass jar of mixed booze and a cup of cigarette butts under my bed once. I got in trouble.
Would you like to go for a ride on my Indian Chief motorcycle?
I am a great cook, but I have some problems with ironing and sewing. Can I still marry well?
Pleats, oh jimminie crickets! I am the worst with pleats.
I can sew the basics well, dresses, blouses, aprons, yunno? My problem is suits. I have the worst time attaching jacket sleeves.
Do my skills with pot roast and tea rings trump my sewing, ironing problems, or will I be pressing my luck hoping to marry a night shift assembler at the Electrolux plant?
I put my make up on and style my hair 30 minutes before my husband gets home from work, but he never says anything or even seems to notice. Should I mention something?
True story. Once time my Dad stayed home from work. At about 4:30 he was in the bathroom, in front of the mirror, doing something. I said, “That’s weird! I’m so used to seeing Mom in here at this time every day, putting on her make up and stuff.”
He looked at me in surprise and said, “Really?”
I nodded and he looked pleased and thoughtful. Maybe he actually told her thank you at some point.
@Patty_Melt does it matter which night shift assembler at the Electrolux plant you marry? And what are you going to do if you get married and they move him to day shift? ~
Well, there’s my quandry.
I have my heart set on this dashing fellow who stands to inherit his father’s sporting goods business one day.
My mother, her sister, and my best friend insist the best I can ever do is marry factory help.
I just can’t see having sons with no future.
I want to wear pretty dresses to nice dinner parties. I am afraid I will spend my evenings packing a lunch pail for my husband, wearing the same old apron until the pockets have been re-stitched one time too many.
Well, just make yourself pretty and pleasing, stroke men’s egos and giggle like everything they say is profound, don’t express your opinions except to agree with them, and go out and find one with some money. Simple.
Keen! I sure hope you’re right.
After you’re married make yourself pretty, attractive and available at all times. But don’t have sex before you’re married. He won’t respect you any more. He probably won’t respect you even after you get married, and have sex with him, because nice girls don’t have sex, but nothing you, or he, can do about that because you are married now.
If he cheats on you, it’s your fault. You’ve done something wrong. Just keep him happy.
…and don’t forget, NEVER talk about the problems of YOUR day when your husband comes in from work. have a tray of cocktails prepared, the evening paper at his chair, and carry his slippers to him in your teeth like a good little Cocker Spaniel. lol
Yep. And that’s pretty much what we were taught, isn’t it @Coloma. Until Women’s Lib that is. HEAR ME ROAR!!!
Here’s one. (True story.)
My Mom told me to never French Kiss with a boy because he will get so excited he won’t be able to help himself. She said if I French Kiss a boy I might as well go all the way. Do you agree?
^Haha, well you got more than I did, I was just told if you do “it” before marriage you will go to hell. Well, I’m going to hell about a thousand times over. lol
For the longest time I thought I would automatically become pregnant if I had sex. Mom didn’t bother to correct me.
@Dutchess_III That’s not as far fetched as you might think. It happened to my mother before a doctor convinced her she couldn’t handle any more children. My brother was born 9 months after she was married, I came along 12 months later, and my sister was born 11 months after that.
It also happened to my sister. She once told me every time she “looked” at a guy she got preggers. She was pregnant a total of six times, but only raised two of the children.
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