And I say that we cannot afford to think that way.
What happened to us, kritiper? We like to brag how America will never go down without a fight, that it would be worse than losing the battle. Who have we been talking about all these generations?
The fight, the struggle, is here and now, in this generation. The window for civil action is quickly closing and almost everyone sees it, on all sides of the political fences. Why don’t we have the resolve not to allow thieves to take away our most important asset, the very thing that makes us a nation of people and not slaves?
I think we could use a period of citizen-slavery. That it would fertilize the tree of liberty more than anything else. It would make us hungry again, appreciate the loss. But then slavery would be too late, so we must envision it on our own, to put the fear of God—no, the fear of the worst of Man—in us again. Or spend the next vacation in a country like Haiti, not in the resorts, but among the people and their conditions and political repression. Whatever it takes to bring reality home to America.
It’s not as bad as the 20’s and 30’s yet, but all democracies around the world—especially in Europe—have taken a sharp turn to the right, a precursor of fascism. They are being threatened like no time since WWII. So, we aren’t alone in our experience. But it may be that we must lead the fight to recovery. We like to brag that we are among the world leaders, a leading democracy among the democracies. Maybe it’s time to do lead and not just talk. It it takes a bit of an ego trip to get us started, that’s fine with me. The fact is, whether or not we do lead in this struggle, the sooner we get started, the better.
I seriously don’t think we have any choice in the matter and I wish more people would awaken to this. because if we don’t start using the last bit of our democracy available to us to fight within the existing institutions, the next generation will have the horrible choice of fighting their own formidable government under arms, or surrender to slavery.
We have a great organizational tool that no generation every had before us, the internet. Whereas our used signal fires, drums, and notes delivered on foot and horseback—and only a generation before ours—the short-wave, radio, we now have this wonderful new tool. We can ally ourselves with others in the same struggle around the world and compare notes, share strategies. But, at the moment, it is used as a source of entertainment.
I understand that more has to be taken away before 360 million Americans will forget their differences and get down to the business of dismantling that part of the political structure that is not in their interests. It is not too late, @kritiper, it is never too late. Fate can be a great ally, as great as the north sea storms that saved Elizabethan England from the Spanish Armada after they had resisted, albeit feebly until the worst winter of the century arrived. As great as the resolve of the British that preserved them long enough for their cousin, their former enemy, to assist them to victory.
It’s just getting later.
That’s it in a very big nutshell.