Personally, I have a problem with people lumping “the church” as one group or “Christians” as all people of faith. This is an argument that is a big no-no for races, other religions, sexual orientation, and gender. It’s not okay to make generalizations about these groups but it is for Christians to be lumped together? When you all list your issues with church or christians, the criticisms themselves are almost mirrors of what you are doing when your criticise us. Psychologists call it projection. You are projecting your own biases and fears on a group because of an experience you had with one piece of a universal puzzle.
The thing about faith is that it isn’t based on church. Mine isn’t. And your perception of “any church” is based on only churches you have been to. I personally float around to churches. I like to go to churches that challenge me and my faith. I can’t say I am baptist, catholic, or really any “religion” except Christian. I simply follow Christ.
And to me, He isn’t a white man who looks like Willie Nelson. I see a lion. I see a lamb. I see a cross. I see blood. I see joy. I see peace. I see an empty tomb.
And when I give to the church, I give money some times. I also give time. I give service. I volunteer. I clean trash. I sweep floors. I hang banners. I paint hallways. I clean gutters. I teach the youth and the adults.
That’s church to me.
I see churches that hate. I see churches that cause pain. I have worked in churches that have hurt.
I don’t follow churches though. I go to where the work is and where I can provide help (Lord willing).
What I find most interesting in religious debate is how people view “the church” as so biased and pigeon-holed; but by doing so they are being biased and they are pidgeon-holing. Your experience with a particular church or worship is what biases your view of ALL churches.
And I admit that I am guilty of biases in my own way. We all are.
Thus, the reason for church and for Christ for me. It may not be for you. And that is okay. But don’t tell me that it can’t be for me because A CHURCH has said it isn’t okay.
Only that church or that religion believes that. And maybe a large group of those churches believe that. But then, have you noticed that there are many churches in most towns? Different buildings of different people with different beliefs.
As for me? I believe you can believe whatever you want. Just be a good person. Treat people nice. Pick up after yourself and the world will bless you for it.
Have a good weekend everyone!