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filmfann's avatar

Great Googlie Wooglie! Another jelly takes the elevator to the 20K floor of Fluther Mansion!

Asked by filmfann (52611points) December 21st, 2016

Spread good wishes, congratulations, and lurve to rojo!

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37 Answers

2davidc8's avatar

¡Felicitaciones, señor!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

BRAVO! Well done to a RED baron! Put on your raging red Santa costume and let’s party! CONGRATULATIONS!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Congratulations Rojo. You go Rojo!

chyna's avatar

Well done @Rojo! You are a treasured member and give very thoughtful, knowledgeable answers. Welcome to the mansion.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Congratulations! So we have two parties today!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Congratulations, Rojo. Good work, too.

Stinley's avatar

What’s his style? It’s boho
What’s his favourite extinct animal? It’s dodo
What’s his favourite special effect? It’s slo-mo
What’s his name – it’s @rojo!!

Congrats to a great jelly. Well done mate!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well Done!!!!!

Cruiser's avatar

Congrats on the 20 grand @rojo….too bad that is not actual cash

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Great stuff. Congrats !

filmfann's avatar

Truly a terrific achievement! Remember, you got here by members appreciating your answers! WTG!

Jaxk's avatar

A great philosopher once said “there are more things between heaven and earth than man has yet discovered (Count Dracula 1931). Let us know what wonders exist on the upper floors. Congrats.

tinyfaery's avatar


RedDeerGuy1's avatar


BellaB's avatar

Congratulations @rojo

Coloma's avatar

Hey…let’s get the rojodeo started!
Here he comes bucking and twisting out of the 20k chute. Ride ‘em rojo! :-D

LuckyGuy's avatar

Congrats on the well deserved 20K. It’s great to see you here.

With a shirt so tight I can hardly breathe.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yes. Well deserved. Congratulations.

Strauss's avatar

What a lo-o-ong strange trip it’s been!

Congo rats!

janbb's avatar

Mazel tov, @rojo!

marinelife's avatar

Wow! It seems like only yesterday when you showed up in this tidepool. Congratulations!

rojo's avatar

Thank you and Merry Christmas One and All! *

*The above message is not meant to disparage the belief or non-belief of any Flutherites but is offered as one of joy, thanksgiving and equanimity – All Holidays Matter,

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Merry Christmas @Rojo.

jonsblond's avatar

Congrats and Merry Christmas!

dxs's avatar


ucme's avatar

One of the “i’m not sure if they’re worthy of my time” jellies, so due to a moment’s indecision more than anything else, congrats @rojo…you should be honoured ;-}

flutherother's avatar

20Kongratulations @rojo keep up the good work.

syz's avatar


LornaLove's avatar

A hearty congratulations rojo, it’s great having you around.

imrainmaker's avatar

Congrats @rojo and Merry Xmas to you and your loved ones..)

jca's avatar

20k and it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Festivus and all that fun stuff! Congratulations Rojo!

tedibear's avatar


Patty_Melt's avatar

Wonderful milestone.

rojo's avatar

Thanks to all. Best wishes in the upcoming new year and to hell with the old one!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Hear, hear Rojo. Won’t be sad to see the back of this year (although it’s had a lot of high points for me too).

BellaB's avatar

Instead of a snowman, a neighbour made a snow figure of a hand with a single digit pointing toward the sky. Givin’ the finger to 2016.

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