What would you like to be if reincarnation is possible as per your choice?
Would you be like to any animal / bird or anything else and why?
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43 Answers
I always thought that reincarnation happened when you took your old vehicle to a scrap yard, they melted the metal down, and the material was sold to an auto manufacturer with which to build a new model.
Seriously, a tree in a forest. I’d rather be a tree than an animal. For one thing, you live longer.
A thoroughbred racing stallion.
I prefer to be a human. I can’t think of any animal I’d rather be. Eagle? Lion? ... Nah! I’ll stick with this species.
A turtle in a lovely pond, like the pond on this property. Long lived, virtually no predators, swim and bask in the sun all day on a rock or the island. Yep, I’ll go with a pond turtle. haha
@kritiper So you want to be retired to the breeding shed ey? lol
A pampered house cat. Seriously, does any creature have it better?
An Ospry or a Crow. Both are very intelligent, communicate well with other species, fly long distances across land or water, and can eat just about anything.
I’d like to swim like a dolphin. They seem to enjoy themselves.
@tinyfaery Very true, have always said I wished I were a pet owned by someone like me. haha
@Espiritus_Corvus I think Osprey is better than crow. People still shoot crows. Just stay out of cornfields and almond orchards. :-p
I find it an odd question to entertain in a land of people who do not believe there is anything past the last breath, but I guess they like the ideal of coming back with no consequence, if I had to lower my standard to reincarnation, I would rather come back as a fly so my stay here, even if no one swatted me would be less than a month.
I would not want to come back as anything. Finito.
Minnie Mouse’s clitoris, having your bean flicked by Mickey must be all kinds of win.
A bird, for the pleasure of flying.
I’m with @tinyfaery – I’ve wanted to be a pampered housecat since I was a small child resenting having to get up early and go to school. The cat gets to sit in the sun and nap! (This was written with a purring cat lying across my arm, who wishes I was also petting him rather than typing.)
A vulture. I mean those things have digestive tracks of iron. I could eat garbage and dead bodies all day and repulse everyone. Only difference from right now would be that I could fly.
A sloth or a pig, one of those two.
Or a skunk.
@chyna – those eyes are Awesome!! I bet u want it to be snow leopard for them only..) I’m surprised no one wanna be a puppy who are equally pampered like cats..!!
Did I write tracks? Jeez.
I have had dreams of flying that were quite pleasant so I would try life as a bird.
I would like to be a yeti, but with broadband internet service.
@CWOTUS You do realize you will be very hairy and smelly. haha
@Berserker Do you, as well, realize that Vultures vomit on potential predators and defecate all over their legs to cool themselves down. Crapping carrion all over oneself for air conditioning does not sound very appealing. lol
Yeah I guess I mean, I’d rather drink a slurpee. Wait no! Fuck!
A white shark. No one messes with me!
@Mimishu1995 Yes, if you’re going to be a wild animal it’s all about being an apex predator. That’s why I chose Turtle an apex survivalist. haha
Guess I’d rather be human again. But born into wealth, and with lots of hot lesbian friends.
No health problems either. Live to 110 ,lots of great grand kids…Die with them all surrounding me.
Then maybe nothing… It’s a cruel world. Two turns is enough to endure…
I really can’t imagine being an animal.
My husband jokes he wants to come back as a dog in The Villages, FL. He tells me I should be a cow, because I like to be outdoors, and he says I graze when I eat. I should probably be offended. Lol.
I’m pretty sure I would prefer to be a human being again. I might go as far to say a girl again. I guess that’s good, wanting to be basically the same again.
@Mimishu1995 and @Coloma I read that killer whales can attack sharks by knocking them around until they’re upside-down, then when they’re like that they can’t do anything anymore. Any truth to this?
I might like to spend one incarnation as a giant sequoia or a coast redwood.
@marinelife I can see being a tree if I could just use the time as a holding pattern to be human again. I’d love to see what the future holds 400, 800, 1000, 2000, 3000! years into the future.
If things looked nice, somehow, in some way, I’d set myself on fire. “Heere, Lightning, Lightning, Lightning!” Maybe I’d do it by having two branches rub against each other on a dry, windy day.
Do we get to pick the time period also?
@marinelife Clever one, you’d live for thousands of years in absolute peace (unless someone cuts you).
^ Or there is a devastating wildfire. I wouldn’t be a tree in CA. these days. Drought and wildfires are wiping out millions of old growth trees in the Sierra mountain range.
@Berserker Yep, I almost mentioned that Orcas can easily kill a great white or other sharks.
@Coloma but at least I can eat pretty much everything else :p
I wish I could be Donald Trump for one second in 2015 and decide irrevocably NOT to run for president, then instantly return to exiirrevocablestence as a slug.
EDIT: I wish I could be Donald Trump for one second in 2015 and decide irrevocably NOT to run for president, then instantly return to my infinitely higher existence as a slug.
@Pachy haha, that’s priceless!
I think that to be a cat or a dog owned by really nice pet owners would be the ultimate, but there’s no guarantee of who is going to own you. You might be with a family that leaves you chained up outside or doesn’t pay for vet care or is mean to you, so that’s out.
To be a marine animal (shark, orca), you’re at the mercy of the condition of the ocean, and also are liable to get caught or killed by man, so that’s out.
To be a human, you may live in a poverty stricken, third world country where there’s no medical care and all kinds of bad stuff, so that’s not ideal either.
I think the ideal would be a crow. They’re social animals so they help each other. They can fly and leave a place if the conditions are not good.
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