What will you be eating for the holidays?
Anything special? I’m having spaghetti bolognese , egg nog and raspberries.
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30 Answers
That sounds like a stomach ache.
I’m having spiced apple butternut squash soup.
Only our own farm raised 100% chemical free-no antibiotics or steroids
meat, pork of chicken. We grind our own feed so we know exactly what
they eat…What has been used on the pastures where they graze and
who was there cow and bull “parents” before they were born!
The most excellent tasting meat ever…...I don’t eat any other meat.
Roast beast, Jewish stuffing in a sausage skin….Matzo ball soup, ground meat and potato Swedish folks shoved in sausage skin, fully leaded and unleaded versions of Glug a Swedish Kool-aid once made to euthanize the elderly and infirm…cooked potatoes run over by a Ford F-150…leafy rabbit food in a big bowl with your choice of dressings….yummy hand made warm out of the oven flaky biscuits, Christmas Jello mold that is only good for food fights.
Seriously I am picking up the rib roast tomorrow and will rub a glaze of pureed prunes, fresh rosemary, garlic, sea salt and cracked pepper and let that marinate for 24 hours….throw that beast into the oven at 350 for one hour….and turn off the oven….jam with the boys…..sing carols, drink the NA Swedish Kool-aid…play pool, watch a movie…then turn on the over again to 350F for another hour and remove from the oven, no thermometers needed…let it rest 20 minutes and you will have THE BEST beast roast you ever had. Merry Christmas Jellies.
My famous short ribs Xmas eve
Turkey Xmas day
I’m making a turkey with all the fixings, and possibly a ham. All at my sister-in-law’s house for Christmas Eve. She’s starting chemo soon (they’ve pushed her off to next week) and she has no energy to cook. I’m hoping to get there tomorrow night to start baking bread and Christmas cookies. Anything to bring some feeling of comfort to that house.
I’m making gougeres with gruyere mornay, meatballs, deviled eggs, rolls, cheese spread, chocolate orange brownies and key lime pie. I also made rum balls and my family’s sugar cookies earlier this week.
Jon is making green bean casserole, chicken wings and lil weenies.
OK I changed my mind I found a cheap beef rib roast .
Fresh Dungeness Cracked crab Christmas Eve. Omelettes at an AA meeting before dawn on Christmas morning. Rack of lamb for Christmas dinner.
Christmas Eve I’m making picadillo, which is a ground pork concoction my MIL traditionally makes for Christmas. It has pork, chicken legs, ham, tomatoes, almonds, green olives, onions and raisins. It’s typically eaten with French bread or with white rice. I’ll have both on the table. I’ll also be lighting the menorah for Chanukah. My husband wanted pecan squares. Like a pecan pie in a square. He cut out a recipe. I haven’t bought the ingredients. I want to make it for him, but it might have to wait for New Years. I have coconut to make macaroons too. I’m thinking that might be better for Christmakah.
The next day I’m making potato latkes for Chanukah. I’m not sure what time of day. I’ll probably get Chinese food on the 25th also for traditions sake. I’m assuming the Chinese place near me will be open, if not I’m not going to drive far to get some. There is a Japanese place near me also, sometimes Japanese is open too.
I bought a ham too. I figured that’s easy and he can use it for lunch next week too. It’s a spiral apple ham and I bought brown sugar something or other to glaze it. It’s all Boars Head, so I’m assuming it is cooked already and easy to prepare. I didn’t even read the directions yet.
For the rest of Chanukah I’ll make matzoh ball soup one night, and other some dishes that my grandma taught me.
@JLeslie You and I have strikingly similar Christmas celebrations….I never have had it, but I will have to give the picadillo a spin around the block….perhaps on New Years! I love the diversity Holiday celebrations with others’ traditions can infuse on your own traditions! Mazel-mas!
Another solo Christmas like I like it. So tater tots covered in melted cheddar cheese with ketchup. If I am feeling randy I might make tacos.
Don’t fret. My sister and her twins are coming down on Monday. We are doing the C-mas thing on Monday.
mash tatoes, veggie casserole,3 bean salad, veggies and dip, yummy baked goods
Christmas Eve we’re doing just appetizers and salad.
Christmas Day we’ll start with Italian Wedding Soup and Fresh Fusilli in a Tomato-Cream Sauce. Then, a Chipotle Pomegranate Pig-Wrapped Pork Roast and Cranberry and Apple Stuffed Chicken. Variety of veggies as sides.
PS: I love bolognese.
When my father died several years ago one of my sisters friends brought over a green bean dish. The green beans were wrapped in bacon and cooked in molasses. It was absolutely marvelous. I have tried several different recipes, without success, trying to reproduce the dish. They are acceptable but not the same. I am going to try again this Christmas day.
We will have the standard potato vs dressing fight we have each year and, as usual, end up making both.
@Cruiser I have to say that normally for Chanukah dinner I wouldn’t have pork of all things. I’m nowhere close to kosher ever, but on the first night of Chanukah I normally would opt for something that at least doesn’t scream that it isn’t kosher.
Christmas Eve we’re going all seafood with appetizers of bacon wrapped sea scallops and the main course is baked stuffed lobster. Not sure what veg yet, maybe broccoli.
Christmas Day we will have our traditional rib roast with mashed potatoes and asparagus
I haven’t quite decided what I will have. Probably home made chicken curry. I will be doing Christmas solo this year.
@JLeslie I just found out that my BIL is bringing real kosher deli kishke to our Xmas feast! Yum!
My daughter is bringing us steak dinners with the works. Sauteed mushrooms, baked potatoes, veggies. Can’t wait!
My family has decided on steaks.
@Cruiser I never eat the stuff. The most “Jewish” foods my family made were matzoh ball soup, and brisket. My grandma made that, my mother never made any of it. Except to say my mom like a tongue sandwich now and then, and liver and fried onions and gahakte leber. She’d never eat any of that now I don’t think.
Tomorrow’s meal is at our house, I make pasta with meatballs and spaghetti sauce, baked fish, sauerkraut soup, hot spinach artichoke dip, kolach, a couple of different salads, roasted asparagus with balsamic, and antipasto. My family is Ukrainian and my husband’s is Italian.
My mother cooks for Christmas Day: usually a ham, roast beef, several vegetable dishes, a salad, deviled eggs, buttered rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy. We also go to my mother-in-laws, she makes ravioli with meatballs, some type of meat or poultry, I’m not sure what else they’re having this year. It’s so hard for us not to be stuffed on Christmas Day, even a tiny sample of everything means you’re full by the time it’s time to go to the next dinner.
^^I wish I was going to be at your Christmas!!
@cookieman reminded me that my MIL will probably make her Italian wedding soup and now I’m really excited about that. Yum.
@JLeslie if you hurry, I’ll set you a place! After I replied I realized you would probably hate my cooking, it’s pretty heavy on the garlic.
Ya know, I have been craving spaghetti or Lasagne. I almost was going to do a spaghetti dinner tomorrow night until my daughter wanted to have steak. I think I will make spaghetti sauce next week for sure. Live it up until New years then the discipline must return. Famous last words. haha :-)
@ANef True, I don’t like heavy on the garlic.
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