Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

When did you decide to downsize?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) December 22nd, 2016 from iPhone

How old were you?

What prompted it?

Were you moving for other reasons anyway, or did you specifically move to downsize?

Did you wind up upsizing afterwards?

Are you glad you downsized?

What do you miss most about your bigger place?

What would you have done differently?

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14 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

We have talked about it. Our youngest is going to college in the fall and our oldest has given the shot over our bow that he is not coming home to live any time soon so if ever again… wife did say we may need to think about downsizing. No immediate plans to do so…I will let you know the what if and why if and when we do.

filmfann's avatar

When my Mom died, and I went through all the anxiety of going through her stuff, I was determined to make my new mantra “less!”

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The first stage was after the divorce. I left with only a few basic household items and bought things as need be. Then when I decided to retire. I got rid of everything—the car, the furniture, the townhouse. then blew town never to return.

cookieman's avatar

I’d love to do it now, but my daughter and wife are not on board with it quite yet. Maybe in four years when she finishes high school.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I still have not downsized. Both of my sons are married and living on their own but…
A lot of their stuff is still in the house and they visit often for family gatherings
Since they moved out I have had out of town friends stay with us. I like having the space to do that. It’s fun.

josie's avatar

When my ex wife upsized

flutherother's avatar

I was 55 when I downsized following a divorce. As I now mostly live alone my present flat is a perfect size and I have no intention or the means to upsize. I have enough room for when the kids visit which is all I now need.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Still upsizing here.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus If I ever find myself single I’m totally doing that shit.

marinelife's avatar

Not yet. But we live in an 875 sq foot two bedroom so there’s not much to downsize from.

dxs's avatar

When I moved from a 150 sqft bedroom to a 75 sqft bedroom, I guess. I’m only 21 so I guess there’ll be another wave of downsizing.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I don’t think I ever upsized, except perhaps for my book collection. So… never.

abcbill's avatar

After my third divorce

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

When I left university. I stored what I could, but had to throw out most of my stuff. Was a heart breaking waste.

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