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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Should I become a cashier again?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25059points) December 23rd, 2016

Before I got I’ll I was a great night shift cashier in a 24 hour convenience store. My family doesn’t want me working graveyard shifts anymore. Should I apply again? My Dr. Wants me to try being a dishwasher first. I’ve been a dishwasher at a steak house and it was stressful , but I got the dishes clean.

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14 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Sounds like your Doctor has your best interests at heart, and concurs with your family’s inclination against graveyard shift. Graveyard can be hard, and it can be very isolating. The dishwasher job would be more regular hours, and you would also have some interaction with people that you would see on a regular basis.

imrainmaker's avatar

Did he tell you why he wants you to try it first?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@imrainmaker No. I’m assuming that because dishwasher is a good start. I would rather be a cashier in a bookstore like Chapters or Coles ingego.

YARNLADY's avatar

If the graveyard shift does not bother you, the cashier is better, because it gives you more credit for your next job.

johnpowell's avatar

I’m not sure why you get disability or how that system works in Canada.

But I would look into if you will lose your disability if you are employed, and if if that did happen and the job didn’t work out in six months how long would it take to get back on disability.

And aren’t you in a assisted living facility? Could your remain there if employed?

I’m all for you getting a job. I just want you to think about how that could affect your current level of government assistance and the ramifications of if that assistance was lost.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@johnpowell I am permitted to work part time and keep my coverage. I’m allowed to earn $800 a month any more and I lose a $.50 on any dollar earned. I’m just thinking positive I haven’t worked in 5 years. People are allowed to work and live in my building.

johnpowell's avatar

Do you have to go through any sort of review every few years to see if you should keep your disability payments? You do here and if you are working and your disability is for something like PTSD they will say you can clearly work and they cut you off.

Again, I have no clue how it works in Canada. I would hope they are kinder.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@johnpowell it’s the psychiatrists decision. He thinks that I am in need of assistance still. I’m just thinking positive.

johnpowell's avatar

If your assistance isn’t at risk I would give it a go. I think you would benefit from getting out a few hours a day and you might like your coworkers and could build relationships that expand outside the workplace.

LostInParadise's avatar

What is your family’s objection? I can see some. You will have to sleep during the day, cutting down your chances for social contact. There will be long stretches where you do not have anything to do. However, there will always be a chance that you could be shifted to better hours, and as has been mentioned, you will have the chance to interact with your co-workers.

I say go with your gut instinct. If you get the cashier job and you don’t like it, you can always look for a job as a dish washer.

JLeslie's avatar

How about a cashier on an evening shift, but not overnight. Late hours at a supermarket maybe. Be out of there by 11:00 at night. Try a short shift at first. Maybe they have 4 hour part-time shifts.

janbb's avatar

I think following your therapist’s suggestion makes the most sense and I think it would be great if you go a job.

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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I suggest you try the dishwashing first. However, if the bookstore will hire you, then do that.

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