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JLeslie's avatar

Happy Chanukah! Are you doing anything special for the holiday?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) December 24th, 2016 from iPhone

We have Christmas threads going, so I thought I’d do one for Chanukah.

Where I live there was a menorah lighting ceremony at 3:00 in one of the town squares. I think about 1,000 people were there!

The people putting on the show told the story of Chanukah, sang Chanukah songs, lit the big huge (electric) menorah, played music (one song was about Latkas and set to a disco beat, it was hysterical) did a couple of horas, it was nice.

I went home with dreidels and chocolate money, which I guess my maintenance fee pays for. LOL. The people sitting next to me weren’t Jewish, they just came out to check it out. I liked that.

I lit my own menorah tonight after eating Christmas dinner. :)

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5 Answers

Pachy's avatar

Lighting the first candle tonight in my heart because my menorah now resides at my soon-to-be new home many miles away.

Stinley's avatar

Happy Chanukah @JLeslie. Hope you are having a peaceful and happy time

Sneki95's avatar

Happy Chanukah, I wish you to spend it in peace and love.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Happy Chanukah! Especially you, Les. Your celebrations sound very nice. Latkas and disco. LOL. I think a lot of Jewish people would be surprised at the interest many Christians have in Judaism. Everybody loves a survor. I’ve always found the strength of that culture’s ability to stoicly resist a long history of adversity to be absolutely heroic and something to emulate during hard times.

As a person born in the Catholic Church and heavily indoctrinated in its history and rites when very young, I’ve recognized the affinity and comonalities in both cultures. Many peope don’t see it, but I’ve always felt a cultural cousinhood there. LOL. The guilt thing, for one. I never understood the depth of animosity in whch the Church persecuted the Jews when there were real enemies, aggressive enemies, out there that they could have been pursuing. But there are a lot of things about humans and their history that I will never understand, I guess.

I sailed to Martinique, the next island north, a coupe of days ago to drop off my first mate so she could be with her family, then up to Dominica to be with friends today. Good, old friends, who’ve been expats much longer than I have. Very good people. We’ll be sitting down to dinner in a couple of hours.

Last night, as a holiday gift, I was presented with ten 12-packs of something called Starbuck’s Double Shot Espresso and Cream Light—120 dinky 6.5 oz.cans, each packed with caffeine in a couple of gulps.. I drank one last night about 10pm not knowing their strength. Holy shit. This is drug abuse! LOL. I’ll be keeping this stuff on the boat and use it sparingly.

Enjoy your Chanukah, Everyone. Nothing but Peace and Goodwill to all of you!

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