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elbanditoroso's avatar

Given Trump's thin skin, will this statue cause an additional rift in US-China relations?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33635points) December 29th, 2016

It is the Chinese Year of the Rooster


Since Trump doesn’t like being made fun of on SNL, will this cause an international relations problem?

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25 Answers

rojo's avatar

I doubt he will be amused.
I am looking forward to reading his tweets about it. Probably something witty and informative along the lines of “This is bad, very bad”
Will it cause problems? I could, given his volatility and propensity to carry a grudge.

zenvelo's avatar

The international relations problem won’t be caused by this, it is already an issue.

We are up for a lot more of this. Any time a bully’s goat can be goaded so easily, people will take very opportunity.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Correct. His ego makes him easily manipulated.

If that causes a problem, we’re really in for some interesting times….

He’ll most likely face far worse mockery from his own country. The late show hosts and comics will pull few punches. I hope every word pisses him off. May his days be filled with misery.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, I just died when I saw that! I did not know China had a sense of humor.
Trump is such a loser.

Lightlyseared's avatar

So if he orders the Army to invade China to destroy the statue do you think they would?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gooood question…..

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can see Trump using his powers frivolously and casually, and casually starting WWIII, the whole time thinking it’s just another game for rich people

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh that will definitely get under ole orange hairs skin,fear sure.

rojo's avatar

@Dutchess_III ^^ That is pretty much an accurate assessment of war.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m more concerned about North Korea. There is another “I’m perfect ” rich boy Kim Jong Un. Who is just as likely to toss a couple of missiles at Hawaii, just to irritate Cheeto.

ucme's avatar

Thin skin? That guy’s face looks like a tangerine leather suitcase

johnpowell's avatar

Are those Putin’s nuts on his chin?

Aster's avatar

It is not Trump’s fault that his makeup person put makeup base on him that had an orange tint to it. That person was fired I think.
I know next to nothing about China but as Obama tries to stir up trouble with Putin Trump continues to foster a friendship with Russia. I wish Obama would just go spend his last weeks playing golf and stop playing, “President Osama Obama.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

The orange comes from too much time in a tanning bed, not from makeup. That’s why he has those weird white rings around his eyes too.
Putin stirred the shit up. Obama is doing the right thing by imposing a punishment.
Do you honestly not see what a disaster the man is @Aster?

Aster's avatar

Men are often gross, though. Especially to get a big laugh out of their friends. He is a huge kidder. A comedian; a showman.
I remember when Ronald Regan was running everybody thought it was a disgrace that an actor might be POTUS.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. It was sure hilarious when he talked about grabbing women’s pussies, wasn’t it.

And really super funny when he made fun of a handicapped person.

And I just about died laughing when he said, “She has blood coming out of her eyes. She has blood coming out of her wherever.” Priceless.

I think it’s really hilarious that he can’t spell simple words.

No one thought is was disgraceful that Regan might be president. He was a politician! He was the 33rd Governor of California, from 1967 to 1975.

Aster's avatar

I never said , “disgraceful.” People thought he wasn’t experienced or respected enough to be POTUS having spent so much time acting. They thought it was inappropriate.
I found the video where Trump was acting handicapped over a perfectly healthy person’s inability to explain something. He did not do what you think he did.
Again, unless you’ve lived under a rock all your life, many men are just plain gross when around other men. Like when we had our male dog. Our female dog was mildly interested in people walking until the male dog, who is now deceased, egged her on for the attack. My husband told me some disgusting things Lyndon Johnson said ; Kennedy had naked women in the pool. Many men are just gross. I am not backing down on this. Trump has advisors. Heard of advisors? He will do just fine and get things done around here for a refreshing change.
As far as his spelling skills are concerned I’m sure there are a couple words many of us have a hard time spelling. I can’t even pronounce , “entrompaneur” and can’t spell it either . Trump has had an outstanding education . He is not a hay seed from Podunk Arkansas. Personally, I didn’t die laughing when I heard what Trump said to those guys on the bus as they laughed. I was very surprised. It gave me an insight into his thought processes and ego I didn’t know before. I’m thrilled so far at his accomplishments and they’ll keep coming . But with each one the Libs will turn it into a negative.
If I had to listen to that loud mouth Hildabeast one more time , tonsils glowing, fist in the air planning nothing, really I wouldn’t be feeling the relief I’ve felt for weeks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes you did. ” was a disgrace that an actor might be POTUS.”

He was a Governor for 8 years. That’s a hell of a lot more experience than Trump!

I can not believe you, as a woman, are defending Trump. He is a disgusting human being. He has no morals, no scruples. He’s stolen from people who trusted him, and not paid his bills. He calls women filthy names.

But surely you know the difference between Precedent and President.

I bet that relief changes in a few weeks. It’s going to be a rough 4 years. I think we’ll be lucky if WWIII doesn’t break out because he is THAT stupid.

zenvelo's avatar

@Aster So you are a Trump apologist. You get your opinion. But get your facts straight, Trump made fun of a man with a congenital joint problem.

And people were well past Reagan being an actor long before he ran for President, even those of us who didn’t like him.

Trump does not have an “excellent” education. He took real estate classes at Wharton, true, but he got in because of his father, and he didn’t graduate. And he does not know how to read.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s not a guy I’d leave alone with my 13 year old granddaughter, either.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


But he might be a man to leave with a pissed off female Ranger for 14 or 15 minutes.

MrGrimm888's avatar

PLEASE @Aster . Do not judge my gender by the babblings of that complete loser. Men have plenty to be accountable for. We don’t need any help with looking or sounding bad.

Trump’s problem, apparently, is he’s never been punched on his stupid mouth. So he has no fear of any ramifications of his actions. I would wager that after he was elected his ego was validated in his mind.

He’s no comedian. People probably laugh at some of his rhetoric because their a bunch of ass kissers.

He’s a pathetic person by every measure. I’m sorry he has you drinking the kool aid.

You may need to get your eyes,and ears examined.

@Dutchess_III . I wouldn’t trust him around a 13 year old girl either…

When he was accused of rape, his defense was to essentially say the victim was too ugly for him. He’s a class act alright. He’s a scumbag….

Dutchess_III's avatar

The women who said he and, his pedophile friend, Jeffrey Epstein, raped her when she was 13, was sent death threats if she didn’t drop the law suit. I’d drop it too.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Like I said. Scumbag.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep. Total scumbag.

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