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tan253's avatar

Is using boiled water in neti pot that's only boiled for 30 seconds safe?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) December 29th, 2016

Hi All,
So I’m using a neti pot at the moment to help with my allergies.
I put in some water and boiled it – put it in the neti pot and squirted away. Then I read the instructions and it says to boil it for 3— 5 minutes, a kettle doesn’t do that – it only boils for what – 30 seconds?
Worried about the brain eating parasite.
I’m using council water, so it’s filtered and chlorinated.
Hugely paranoid – anyone else just use standard boiled water from a kettle, only 30seconds of boiling?

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22 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’m sure you are fine @tan253. The water in Australia and New Zealand is clean and safe. We drink it from the tap. In future, perhaps boil the water in a pan, but I really don’t think you need to worry.

rojo's avatar

I think you should be fine. You heated the water in a continuous process and allowed it to boil for a short period of time so that should have killed anything that might be in it. Try to get some sleep and good luck with your allergies. Here in the Brazos Valley they are a way of life.

JLeslie's avatar

I wouldn’t use a neti pot.

rojo's avatar

^^ Too Late @JLeslie

tan253's avatar

I’ve used it, but the water is chlorinated here and that bug apparently doesn’t like Chlorine, I don’t think I’ll use a neti pot again.
Hypochondria and neti pot don’t go together.

Rarebear's avatar

It’s fine. Don’t forget the salt.

tan253's avatar

@rarebear I did forget the salt the first time – stung like crazy! Probably little to no chance of the parasite being in tap water?

tan253's avatar

The first time though I boiled it for 3 minutes – not sure why I didn’t the second time around.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I use warm tap water, never thought to boil it.

I just rediscovered my neti pot. I forgot how great it is to be walking around free of winter sniffles and congestion. I sleep better, too.

tan253's avatar

Where do you live @Call_Me_Jay – I would think it would be rare for it to contain the parasite but people have caught it in Lousiana – a while back now but they were using a neti pot.
Arrrggghhhhhh. I have actually used warm water too when I was in NYC and living in a run down warehouse…..cripes.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I live in Chicago. Never heard of parasites in our water.

tan253's avatar

I don’t imagine that municipal water would or should have parasites in it, that’s their job to keep them out!

JLeslie's avatar

Don’t worry about it. Kids get water up their nose all the time by accident in the bathtub and nothing happens. The chances of something happening are extremely low if your water is treated. You’re not in some third world country where the water isn’t potable.

Next time you’ll do it as instructed if you do it again.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I was a neti pot skeptic for a loong time. It does help my allergies. I just get distilled water and mix salt in the proper ratio.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

There is some risk in tap water for the record.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I use a sinus rinse regularly. It makes a huge difference for me. I use the Neil Med pressure bottle.
When I use the rinse, my post nasal drip passages open up and unclog themselves. I can suddenly taste the saline solution when they unclog. Sometimes the small plug will get into my mouth and I spit it out into the sink.
I have a hot pot for tea and use that water for the rinse using the premixed packets. Rather than one packet for 250 ml, per directions, I use 2 packets for 350–400 ml. That give me more rinse water. and, IMO, the taste more closely matches my natural fluids.
When I make it, I rinse out my measuring cup and spoon with boiling water. then I pour in the boiling water and saline mix. I cover it with a rinsed plate and let it stand on the counter for 35 minutes to allow it to cool to the temperature I can use.
I then use about half of the mix alternating squirts in each nostril letting it flush out the disgusting bits. I wait about 10 minutes doing something else, putting away the dishes, answering emails, etc. and then go back in the bathroom and finish up the mix. That flushes out any stuff that dissolved. There is always more.
After about a dozen nose blows I feel great about an hour later.

I hope no one is eating right now…

Coloma's avatar

I use the Neil Med bottle as well and do not boil the water. I simply mix the packet of solution in warm water in the bottle and then rinse out the bottle when done. I wash it out with hot water and soap now and then and I have never had an issue in years and years. You do not have to boil the water.

rojo's avatar

Growing up I used to go to the beach whenever I had sinus problems. I was guaranteed to get a nose full of water several times and end up blowing snot and saltwater out. Padre Island is not exactly the most sanitary setting but I never worried about parasites (or sharks) and always left with a clear head. Sometimes we overthink things.

Nowadays I wish I were still living there with all the allergies I have developed.

tan253's avatar

I found this on the council site about water: This should kill the brain parasite too?

Giardia and Cryptosporidium are single celled organisms that are protozoan parasites. They are found in the gut of humans and animals, such as cattle, sheep, dogs and cats. In the case of Crytosporidium it can also be found in the gut of fish and reptiles. Both of these parasites are widespread in New Zealand and can live in the environment for long periods, especially in lakes, rivers, streams, and roof water.

These parasites can cause diarrhoea, which can be quite severe, and is often accompanied by stomach cramps and abdominal pain. Illness related to Giardia or Cryptosporidium infection is of public health significance. A person becomes infected when they ingest the parasites; this may be from contaminated water or food, or from contact with infected animals or humans.

Our City Council has chosen to use microfiltration technology, as this is a known and effective method of removing these parasites from the water before it is released for consumption.

Darth_Algar's avatar

If you’re using municipal water you should be fine. The water provided by municipal supplies is generally some of the safest on Earth.

GaryUSMC's avatar

I use a Neti Pot. My water is chlorinated, however I bring it to a boil for about 30 seconds. Nothing living is going to survive it. I add a salt packet. I forgot once and it burned like crazy.

LuckyGuy's avatar

This was in USA Today Woman dies from brain-eating amoeba after using neti pot with filtered tap water

The article does not say if she boiled the water.

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