Social Question

rojo's avatar

Americans, in general, are stupid and proud of it. True or False?

Asked by rojo (24187points) December 29th, 2016

As asked. Video

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125 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

Stupid, whiney, opinionated, self centered, and rude.
Present company excluded.

Pandora's avatar

I don’t know about stupid, but I will say we seem to bet against our own self interests because we are to lazy to do our own research. Not just here. Some countries are a little bit more self aware.
We are lazy, and chose ignorance because it’s easy.
Stupid means we are not able to learn. Most can. Many just chose not to and some simply are too busy trying to survive to bother to learn something beyond their own little world.

So I don’t think it’s that black or white. We are an overfed society that wants instant gratification and like the junk food we swallow, our society swallows the most hideous lies to make themselves feel good about their poor choices. It is also easier to remain blissful when you ignore the world.

MrGrimm888's avatar

False. But the ones who are proud are too stupid to know they shouldn’t be.

If you’re currently proud to be an American, I am embarrassed for you…

josie's avatar

Some are not well educated to be sure.

I thought generalizations were politically incorrect. Does this mean they aren’t anymore?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Wow. You need to get out of the country and take a look around. As Frank Zappa said, “There is more stupid in the universe than there is Hydrogen.”

He was right, but I also agree with Pandora.

flutherother's avatar

Not stupid exactly but America is being swept by disturbing currents of irrationality and emotion where reason takes a back seat. When the American flag is draped over all this passion you get the illusion there is something to be proud of.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

^^Nativism. It’s called Nativism. In modern times, with 7.5 billion people on the planet, it is a form of mass insanity.

Sneki95's avatar

You’re from America, aren’t you? You tell us.

janbb's avatar

I think we can see even here that the people who are often the stupidest don’t realize it. I doubt that anyone says, “I’m stupid and proud of it.”

I suspect many Americans watch Fox News or read Breitbart and consider themselves informed.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

False, You can walk around with a video camera all day long until you get enough ignorant people answering to string a click bait video together.
The average IQ in th US is 98 for those of you who put any weight on IQ

ragingloli's avatar

That just means no one in the south ever took an IQ test.

Cruiser's avatar

Seeing that the majority of voters cast a ballot for Hillary…unequivocally yes.~

ragingloli's avatar

that, and the rest of them voted for Trump.

ragingloli's avatar

Or, maybe you are not stupid. Maybe you are just evil, and have to be purged in a divine righteous fire.

Cruiser's avatar

Apparently I am stupid AND evil because I have German blood in my veins

ragingloli's avatar

well at least you admit it

Sneki95's avatar

98 IQ points is actually kinda average, not anything special. Which doesn’t matter, considering that IQ is bullcrap anyways.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Plenty of Americans are, indeed, both stupid and proud of it, but I’d hate to think that this is “in general.” I live among intelligent, highly-educated people who question their own opinions and are sensitive to the world around them, and I get to interact with such people every day. I also know that I’m in a very atypical part of the country, and that my perceptions might be heavily skewed.

Coloma's avatar

Most humans are living in their own little bubbles of self created reality, stupid and otherwise. haha

abcbill's avatar

Overly generalized.

“Popular” press plays to the issue. TV shows, reality shows, etc. play to the population segment that needs to be entertained with non-intellectually challenging “information”. These folks have, in large measure, very high Dunning-Kruger index levels and would rate high on usage levels of “motivated reasoning”.

These same population segments could be characterized by Isaac Asimov’s quote—

Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’

Something to consider as we move into the morass of Trumianism.

rojo's avatar

@josie Sorry, I got too excited and just couldn’t wait until after January 20th.

@ragingloli That just means no one in the south ever took an IQ test. Reminds me of the joke about the guy who moved from Georgia to Texas and raised the average IQ in both States.

@abcbill I wonder if you can, generally speakingl, overgeneralize? I have always liked and agreed with that Asimov quote and have used it myself on occasion.

LostInParadise's avatar

The U.S. does not do well in the PISA tests, so we do not come out looking too bright. I would not say that Americans are proud of their ignorance so much as distrustful of academia. Americans have always been highly pragmatic and have always admired people who do well in business. Since the U.S. has done quite well industrially and not too bad when it comes to Nobel prizes, we must be doing something right.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Watch this video and you tell me, oh and the host is CANADIAN…

marinelife's avatar

Well, I’m not and neither are most of my also American friends. Generalizations strike me as being stupid.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I am too quick to conflate stupidity and ignorance. The 2 words are not interchangeable. To my mind, it becomes ever more difficult to counter the argument that we are collectively stupid. But that must be wrong, since it is clearly irrational for anyone to choose to be stupid. Being
“proud of it” assumes that stupidity might desirable, and even the stupid won’t buy that one. We behave stupidly simply due to ignorance. America dumbing down is about the perception that profound levels of ignorance surface ever more frequently here in the land of the free. But that’s probably wrong as well. The more likely situation is that ignorance concentrates in pockets geographically as the more astute and better informed flee for better opportunities.

Cruiser's avatar

The interviewer has done has done numerous of these man on the street videos and all are hilarious. A sorry testament to the quality of product our public schools system produces.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I just wonder how many people they had to wade through to get the video worthy responses.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s an interesting contradiction. We live in a place that churns out college graduates like nobody’s business. But let’s ask ourselves, which class in the country stands to benefit most from an ignorant electorate? There are “educated people” willing to accept “We’re gonna build a wall & Mexico will pay for it”.

cazzie's avatar

I don’t think American’s are stupid. I think they have been systematically sold a bad bill of goods and are simply trusting, good-hearted, well-meaning, but, ultimately, left ignorant and abandoned by the powers they entrusted.

Darth_Algar's avatar

No more so than any other nation. It may seem like it, however, due to the pervasiveness of American impact and influence in the world.

LostInParadise's avatar

One time I bought something in a store on July 4, and the cashier was wearing a tee shirt with a large Union Jack on it. I joked with her that this might not have been the best choice for Independence Day. I don’t think she had any idea of what I was saying.

ragingloli's avatar

Maybe she was a loyalist.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I think Americans are way too self absorbed. Part of this is due to the educational system which doesn’t foster awareness and understanding of other nations—very dangerous for a superpower. But mostly, their media and entertainment industry, which represents 1/7th of their economy, produces so much product that it crowds out everything else. (Most countries are necessarily international in their viewer consumption due to economic restraints —it’s cheaper to buy second-hand foreign product and sub-dub it, than it is to produce one’s own of similar quality.) This results in an ignorance that may not be necessarily willfull, but sustained by the environment around them.

But, like @rojo, I don’t let my countrymen off lightly. We’re rich as hell, extremely powerful as a nation, and opportunities for self-education abound. Our defense budget for 2011 alone was greater than the annual GDP of 147 other nations. Because of this, I feel we each have more of a responsibility to be aware of the world around us, moreso than other countries.

And there is the added effect of being a family member. We are more critical of our family members than those outside of the family. I identify as an American and fellow Americans are my family. Therefore, I am very critical of them, a lot more critical than I am of other nationals. I expect more of them.

If the next door neighbor’s kid gets in trouble with drugs, I feel bad for the neighbors, but that may be the extent of it. If my little brother gets in trouble with drugs, it is everything I can do to not go ballistic.

Cruiser's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus I still maintain it is up to the individual to make it or epic fail in a stupid man-on-the-street video. My oldest a junior in college studying business in college told me how he recently turned down a $75,000 a year job as a head bowling alley mechanic at an alley in Pittsburg. I’d like to think he did so knowing a Sheepskin was within reach, but I suspect a big part of his decision was because of his GF and knowing if Pittsburg wants me that bad…so will another company where we can be together. Straight A’s all 3 years and we as parents honestly played a small supporting role in his academic success in our OK public school system.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am embarrassed at how other nations must view us. China is openly mocking.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III Right now…so is Russia

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep. They recognize Trump for the fool he is, and they’re drooling at the mouth.

Cruiser's avatar

Sorry @Dutchess_III It is the other way around. Putin gave Obama a total smack down and mocked him the entire time. Nice curtain call Barack.

ragingloli's avatar

you once again completely miss the meaning.
Putin’s response was bait for Trump.
And Trump’s response, praise for Putin after it is all but certain that Russia is guilty of the hacking, signals to Putin that he can walk all over Trump and his ‘administration’ in the future.
As I said before, Putin plays Trump like a fiddle.

Cruiser's avatar

@ragingloli I respectfully disagree….I added the respectfully in an effort to overcome your disdain for me and Mr Donald. Read the entire link…Putin is playing Obama like a fiddle while at the same giving Trump a reach around. If you cannot see this, then I don’t know what else will open your eyes to how badly Obama has dropped the egg on Russian/US relations. Read the fable Humpty Dumpty as an allegory to get an idea just how irreversible the damage Obama has inflicted upon our country.

ragingloli's avatar

And Putin is playing you, too, and you are falling for it, hard.

Cruiser's avatar

Yep…so are you as I gleefully hack your server!~

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Cruiser No. That was just Russia throwing a temper tantrum because Obama levied sanctions against him, for a damn good reason. Putin knows Trump would be too chicken to do something like that.
I don’t agree with @ragingloli very often, but I agree that Putin knows that ”… he can walk all over Trump and his ‘administration’ in the future.

janbb's avatar

I find it interesting that Conservatives don’t seem to mind that the Russians hacked our election.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ Right? But OMG, mention Obama’s birth certificate and all hell breaks loose.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s because they’re hypocrites, among other things…..

LostInParadise's avatar

You have to understand the context. When the soviets ruled and were preaching worker’s rights and equality and no religion, the Russians were evil incarnate. Now that they are friends with the church and anti-gay and doing the bidding of big business, they are good friends of the right wingers.

Cruiser's avatar

@janbb First of there has been no empirical proof presented that there was malicious intent by the Russians to hack whatever and manipulate the outcome of the election. That narrative is an easy sell by the losers of the election…time to get over it. FYI, the Russian, N. Koreans, China, Japan, India, Iran etc are all and have been hacking away at our most protected data since computers were invented. We reciprocate in an equally robust fashion. We know it and so do they. Shame on them or shame on us??? All is fair in love and war. If the Russian hacking was such a serious infraction back in June when we allegedly discovered said hacking efforts by Russia….why did not Barry and friends immediately respond when it happened over 6 months ago? Please someone give me a reasonable explanation here.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I’ve always known you were unabashedly partisan, but I never thought you were straight up willfully blind. Now I know.

ragingloli's avatar

And they also just found russian hacking software on a laptop belonging to a vermont electrical company
go on, continue making excuses.

Cruiser's avatar

Holy WOW @ragingloli I never in a million years would have imagined Russia to ever attempt to hack our electrical grid just in case they wanted to royally fuck us up the ass with shutting down parts if not all of our electrical grid! Thank you so much for letting us know….I am running out right now to buy a car load of candles.

ragingloli's avatar

what a puppet you are.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^He’s somehow brainwashed. I suppose he’ll blame Obama for putting Trump blindness in the Chicago water…

When will some hero stop the treachery of Obama?!!!!

Cruiser's avatar

@MrGrimm888 ” When will some hero stop the treachery of Obama?!!!!” The American electorate just did….get over it.

ragingloli's avatar

By giving the majority of their votes to Clinton.

janbb's avatar

^beat me to the punch!

Cruiser's avatar

Ahem @ragingloli The electorate gave an equalized mandate in our election…sorry you are so upended by MY countries election results. Perhaps a campaign donation to Merkel will make you feel better.

ragingloli's avatar

and no.
equal means that everyone’s vote has equal weight.
the electoral college distorts the election on the premise that some people’s votes are worth more than others.

ragingloli's avatar

And by the way, after much contemplation and consideration, since it is the new year, and because of my new year’s resolution to become a better, wiser person:
That so-called “apology” you sent me, you can shove it up your arse. :D
‘Respectfully’, of course.

Cruiser's avatar

@ragingloli Get to the back of the line of all the other voters who are now upset at the electoral college that elected Trump who weren’t the least concerned about the electoral college 8 years ago.

ragingloli's avatar

You mean when Obama won the popular vote by 10 million?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Ah. I see there is no need for my retort. Thanks @ragingloli . Even non Americans know more than our Trump voters here…

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Cruiser “The American electorate just did….get over it.”

It must be difficult when your fantasy image of the world just doesn’t match the reality of it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

American 2016 stats for math and science are around the bottom of the planet. While self confidence is number one. partial link I don’t have a link to the self confidence stats.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Cruiser “Get to the back of the line of all the other voters who are now upset at the electoral college that elected Trump who weren’t the least concerned about the electoral college 8 years ago.”

Because the Electoral College was a moot point as Obama won the vote of the people by yuge margins both times.

Cruiser's avatar

Whoosh….right over your head @Darth_Algar My point was the EC worked in 2008, 2012 and just did in 2016. Why do you have a problem with this reality??

Darth_Algar's avatar

The point did not go over my head. There was no point, period. Just the inane ranting of someone who’s upset that his guy is the least popular, lowest-approved, president-elect in the history of our nation.

I’ve made my stance on the Electoral College clear. I oppose it on principal, regardless of whether it works or not, because it is, by design*, an undemocratic system that negates the will of the people in deciding their nation’s leader.

(*Which, for that matter, doesn’t even operate as the Founding Fathers intended anymore. If it did the people of each Congressional district would vote for their district’s elector, rather than the party leaders in each state appointing party loyalists to the, by now effectively ceremonial, role.)

Cruiser's avatar

@Darth_Algar Just curious….if your POV about the EC is true to your heart…why did you not voice your stance clear before November 9th 2016?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Cruiser There is no proof that you’ve been privy to. I’m pretty damn sure that you don’t have all the information that the president has, and I’m certain he wouldn’t have taken the action that he did if he wasn’t sure. And the fact that Putin just kind of waved, “Ha ha!” in response to the sanctions should be another hint that it really happened.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I have been for two decades.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III That is my whole point…I don’t have Jack shit proof neither do you neither does the press yet you are so eager to gobble up what ever the media sends your way that sounds appealing to you yet has zero basis in proof. No offense but hearsay evidence does not cut in for me.

ragingloli's avatar

Well, I guess when someone breaks into your house, rifles through your documents, and then publishes your filthy sex tape on the internet, you also do not have any proof of malice.

flutherother's avatar

@Cruiser How the hell do you expect us to have proof of Russian hacking? We have intelligence services to do that on our behalf and they are pretty sure that the Russians tried to meddle with the election. I’m surprised that you, as an American, are happy to dismiss accusations of foreign interference which strike at the heart of American democracy.

ragingloli's avatar

cruiser is a russian sleeper agent

flutherother's avatar

@ragingloli No, just a Trump supporter.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey lets get back on topic just a touch only two of you admitted to watching the video I posted in this question,where you said it was funny but does it answer the question as well, are Americans stupid and proud of it?

Cruiser's avatar

@flutherother I am not and would not be happy if or when the Russian’s hack our internet highway….but I am smart enough to know they have done so every day since the internet was invented and I am OK with that knowing we are hacking there servers just as fervently. Trying to blame Hillary’s election loss on Russian hacking is beyond the pale….get over it already!

Darth_Algar's avatar

Whether or not Russian hacking cost Clinton the election is beside the point. The fact that this hacking happened is the point, and it’s foolish to dismiss it. Dismissing it makes us appear weak. Yes, they’ve done so for ages, yes they will continue to do so. Yes, we’ve done the same and will continue to do the same. Nevertheless, when such acts are found out then we need to act on it. Just as I would expect Russia to act when they catch us in the act. Not doing so weakens us and undermines our security, our stability and our standing in the world.

flutherother's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I saw the video which was quite amusing. Not all Americans are as detached from reality as those that were interviewed and the kids that didn’t know or gave wrong answers were at least embarrassed rather than proud of their ignorance. It is when people are convinced they ‘know’ but lack any real knowledge that there is a problem.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Obama wouldn’t have done what he did without a damn good reason, @Cruiser.

flutherother's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hear, hear. There are still some politicians with integrity who you can trust.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Uh I will bite @flutherother who who??

Cruiser's avatar

OK @Darth_Algar I will leave it at that the Russians have been hacking us forever…we have been hacking them forever…please tell me why it is such a big deal now? Why did not WE wave our hands and jump up and down when we got a clue Russia was up to no good in June last year?? Anyone????

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is wrong with you, @Cruiser? You’re not usually so combative.

janbb's avatar

Since the CIA and the FBI corroborated that the hacking occurred, it seems willful to argue that it didn’t happen.

@Cruiser First you say it doesn’t matter and now you say , “Why didn’t we do something about it then?” Maybe, unlike James Comey, they didn’t want to play politics; maybe they needed more proof.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III I have lost my patience is all. I appreciate your concern

Cruiser's avatar

@janbb IF the FBI and the CIA corroborated said evidence then can you please tell me why they (our President) did not rain holy hell down on the Russians when it was first revealed back in June 2016? Why then AFTER the election?? Somebody anybody??

janbb's avatar

Did you not read my last sentence where I gave some possibilities?

flutherother's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I can’t tell you who to trust. You have to use your own judgement for that.

flutherother's avatar

@Cruiser Also announcing it before the election might itself have been seen as an attempt to influence voters.

Cruiser's avatar

@janbb You made my point for me…This hacking…messing with our election (if it really happened) is everything about attacking our sovereignty as a nation…IF Russia did what some suggest they did…said hacking is on the level of bombing Pearl Harbor and for 6 months we did NOTHING! and we retaliate by kicking 35 Russian diplomats out of our country?? Please tell me how this makes any sense? If the Russians truly did what the White House alleges the Russian did…IMO something more than a time-out would be in order.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The media plays a big part in why it’s important now.

Same reason you only hear about dog attacks if the dog was a pit bull. Same reason any negative police altercation between white officers and black citizens is so broadly casted.

The media’s job is to make sure that the people are informed. But too often, they focus on subjects that get ratings. Things people are passionate about garner more attention.

Trump is an easy,and unpopular target. The media is playing it up to keep people watching / reading. I think that the pressure the media has put the country under by revealing the weight of the hacking has forced Obama’s hand.

There is also of course politics. The Obama administration is making sure that the ordeal is seen as a huge issue (which it is.) They want to portray the Russians as really bad. That way if Trump overturns the sanctions, he’ll be seen as laying with the enemy, and not supporting his country.

The whole thing is going to get real messy if Trump continues his current rhetoric about Putin. It’s starting to have a conspiracy theory feel to it. People are going to say Putin got Trump elected so they could work together for their own agendas.

I’m certainly not ready to make those assertions.

I am guilty of being lulled by the media too. If I see a story about Trump, I usually read it… Probably the same as Obama haters, insatiable thirst for bad news about Obama…

People like to have their opinions validated. If they are passionate about something, and there’s a article, or report cementing their own opinion on the subject, it gives them self gratification.

@Cruiser is wise to be suspicious of the timing of the uproar. I smell politics at work.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Cruiser . The punishment was a slap on the wrist really…

But Obama insinuated other retaliation would follow. Likely covertly, and if possible by surprise. That’s why he gave no timetable.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 That’s a funny “documentary” on Americans, but of course it isn’t an accurate depiction of American ignorance regarding Canada. It would be interesting to know just how many people that comic had to talk to before he could actually find someone who actually would believe Canada holds plutonium mining rights to Mt Rushmore. Everyone knows there’s no such thing as a plutonium mine.

ragingloli's avatar

How many Huckabees did he have to go through?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree @stanleybmanly t would be nice to know his stats was it 1 in 10 or 8 out of 10 it would be nice to know.
My personal experience with the states that once you go further than say about 100 miles from the border the Americans know little to nothing about Canada,but that 100 miles and closer they do know a great deal about us.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Proximity… Of course people closer to Canada would know more about it.

People in Texas know more about Mexico than people in Maryland.

It’s not like there are Canadian history classes here in the US either. It’s much easier to take a class on Western Civ…

Cruiser's avatar

“But Obama insinuated other retaliation would follow” Seriously @MrGrimm888?? Can you be more delusional? I think you had more than your fair share of Kool-Aid last year. Do yourself a favor and switch to water. I am none too happy Trump will be our next President but I am damn glad Obama will soon no longer run our country.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Why is that delusional?

Trump will likely take back the slight punishment that the Russians did receive. Is that a better strategy?

One thing is for sure. One of us is definitely drinking the kool-aid. I hope it’s me…

Cruiser's avatar

See @MrGrimm888 Your kind of thinking is why Trump is our President.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Cruiser “Why did not WE wave our hands and jump up and down when we got a clue Russia was up to no good in June last year??”

Some folks were. Some media was reporting it (not cable news, mind you, but sometimes it’s helpful to step outside of the echo chamber and listen to what others are saying). Some members of Congress were trying to get an investigation launched.

Also, it’s always wise to take your time and wait until you know whether the information is valid or not. Knee-jerk reacting before you’re certain could have bad consequences.

Cruiser's avatar

@Darth_Algar I am not biting. Today “they” FBI, CIA are trying to make the appearance they are certain Russia was behind the hacking 6 months ago yet provide not concrete proof. Yes the CIA and FBI, NSA have fumbled the ball before, but to now come out and say Russia affected our election and hand out lame as lame can get sanctions 6 months later….seriously? Do you really believe this nonsense? If so why?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Of course both agencies could follow Trump’s lead in making shit up, but I challenge anyone here to devise a more effective and cheap route to screwing the United States than planting Trump’s behind in the Oval Office. For the effort and expense involved when presented with such an unprecedented opportunity, othe Russians would be damned fools and the joke of the intelligence business had they passed on the chance.

Cruiser's avatar

@stanleybmanly I am eternally grateful there are people like you who are smarter than me who will be around to pick up the pieces when our Prince Cheeto royally screws up~.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Thank you! But seriously put yourself in Russian shoes, and try to argue the logic in passing up so cheap, easy and unheralded a chance. If at the very minimum, they can now point to us and say to the world “you see what you get with democracy?”, it’s a big win at a cost of pennies. I mean if state sponsored doping of athletes is everyday routine, why not diddle in our elections? Of course they did it! Wouldn’t you?

Darth_Algar's avatar

@stanleybmanly ” I mean if state sponsored doping of athletes is everyday routine, why not diddle in our elections?”

That’s a good point. Since the dawn of the Soviet era everything with the Russians has been part of their ideological war with the western world.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Cruiser . You didn’t answer either question. Why am I dilusional in believing we will retaliate further behind the scenes?

If Trump lifts the sanctions is that a better strategy? If so why?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Cruiser Don’t get me wrong. I’m not making any claim that Americans require Russian assistance when it comes to rampant displays of monumental stupidity. Those who backed him are entitled exclusively to the “credit”, and should not be allowed an inch of an excuse for the blunder.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

It has to be pretty sad if Russia did manage to capture emails Hillary made that were damaging to her and she could not overcome what was said of Trump that damaged him.

rojo's avatar

Seriously, @Cruiser have the FBI or CIA EVER provided proof to the people of ANY single THING that they have investigated? Pretty sure we both know the answer is no. It only goes to those people who fall into the “need to know” category and you and I are not on that list. Trump is now and he does not give a fuck whether the proof is there or not; he know better than they do. Just like he was smarter than the generals in charge of Iraq/Syria.

Cruiser's avatar

@rojo That in my world pushes us into the innocent until PROVEN guilty category that the foundation of our justice system is built upon. I could very easily rally a legion of peeps who would support me with my accusation you hacked my emails…facebook etc accounts and are ready to use them against me….you heathen…traitor, vile evil person!! How dare you! I accuse you of the most heinous egregious attacks on my personal confidential information!! Prove your innocence or meet me at high noon and we will settle this matter by a thumb wrestle duel.

rojo's avatar

^^ Ha! Face the wrath of my prehensile toes commie scum!! ^^

rojo's avatar

I understand that from you or I but how do you explain Trumps attitude? He is privy to the same information as Obama (we are not) and yet blows it off as inconsequential. One of them is lying (Ok, Ok maybe both). In my mind it is Trump. He has the most to lose by exposing the Russians.

Cruiser's avatar

@rojo Yes exposing Russia’s involvement in the hacking of the DNC and Podesta’s emails would raise serious questions. Julian Assange again is coming forward and is adamant the source of the Emails Wikileaks leaked is not the Russians or any other “state” agency for that matter.

Again, Omama and the DNC all knew about this alleged hacking 6 months ago and did nothing about then all because they were convinced they had the election in the bag. It ‘s wasn’t until Comey said he was reopening his investigation into Hillary’s server scandal did the Russians did it narrative become front and center to attempt to deligitimize the election and provide a smoke screen to their bungling Hillary’s campaign. Plus Obama knows Trump is going to turn his legacy into Swiss cheese by taking apart his signature legislation the AC and also overturn many of his executive orders. So at this point in time, Trumps reaction to the alleged Russian hacking IMO is reflective of what he does know about the hacking which again strengthens the argument that if was other entities than Russia

Darth_Algar's avatar

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

flutherother's avatar

@Cruiser The election is over bud and Trump won. It’s not about the last election anymore it’s about elections in future. We don’t want Russia or any other country interfering with the democratic process for any reason. Obama had to take this seriously and Trump should too.

cazzie's avatar

Obama tossed them out to show that he knew what the real deal was. Trump now has to face a choice. Does he leave them out, because of what was PROVEN they did, or does he let them back in, because he KNOWS what they did and doesn’t care. If Trump lets them back, it is VERY telling in his complacency. That is what the rest of the world knows.

Cruiser's avatar

@flutherother All fine and good but the Dems knew all that they know about the hacks back in June and did nothing then. Why now? Why is this hacking issue so serious to them 6 months after it happened? If the Russian were behind it…they knew this much then and did nothing till they realized HOLY SHIT we may not win this thing. So throw the big bad Russians under the bus to try and delegitimize the results of the election and now Trumps presidency. Where’s the proof? I will leave you with this quote…

“In intelligence, as in other callings, estimating is what you do when you do not know. (Sherman Kent)”

flutherother's avatar

Raising the hacking issue before the election would have been seen by some, maybe by you, as an attempt to unfairly influence the vote. That may be why they held back from making it public. Nothing is going to stop Trump from being inaugurated later this month and if I am appalled at the prospect it isn’t because of what Putin did but because of what I fear Trump will do.

Cruiser's avatar

Perhaps you don’t remember that far back , but they did raise the issue but did not follow through.

From June 2016

And the White House’s reluctance to respond forcefully meant the Russians have not paid a heavy price for their actions, a decision that could prove critical in deterring future cyberattacks.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think most American’s in general are stupid. The stupid ones just happen to be the loudest.

rojo's avatar

^^and we let the rest of the world think they is all of us…....sad

Dutchess_III's avatar

We fight it. But our intelligence is quiet and thoughtful. If we screamed like the morons, we wouldn’t be any different. Only morons scream.

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