To any gamers, whats your favorite game?
A simple question whats your favorite game, atleast i think it is a simple question.
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15 Answers
Well, the game I have played the longest, and still play with some regularity, would have to be Star Trek Online.
In terms of overall polish, story, characters and quality, my pick is Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The most fun I had in recent time with a game: The 2016 reboot of DOOM.
A bit further back in time, it was Splinter Cell: Conviction
Nostalgia wise, the favourite game of my past, is the SNES game Terranigma
Pokemon comes first to my mind. I detest puzzle and action-oriented games (Zelda) and love strategy (Disgaea) and turn-based games (Final Fantasy). Rpg is alright. Simulation is preferred (such like The Sims series and Harvest Moon series). I like home-console and dislike mmorpg.
You think it’s a simple question, but it isn’t to me. An easier question should be “What game you don’t like?”
For 2016 it wpull probably be dark souls 3 (which I bought twice once on PS4 and once on pc- damn steam sales).
I also really enjoyed Firewatch. Bought by accident (steam sales again) and completed in afternoon and immediately replayed.
DOOM had a remarkably good single player campaign which is pretty unusual for an FPS these days.
Oh… and the resident evil 7 demo is well worth a look.
Dragon Age Inquisition, Castlevania Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger and evety 2D Street Fighter game.
@ragingloli Witcher 3 is great. I happily spent almost five months playing that. Gets pretty repetitive though, and the Skellige Isles are fucking annoying with all the goddam boating you have to do. I swear if I see another one of those siren enemies, I’m breaking everything.
Haha but the part where Geralt and his buddies get drunk and dress up as girls is hilarious.
It’s not a simple question. I’ve played thousands of games, and the tend to be different enough that there isn’t just one favorite. You didn’t even specify the type of game. Here’s an attempt.
Favorite board game: There are too many and they’re too different, but Wooden Ships & Iron Men, Squad Leader, Ramspeed, The Awful Green Things From Outer Space, Hitler’s War
Favorite tabletop RPGs: GURPS, The Fantasy Trip
Favorite coin-op arcade game: Venture, Gravitar
Favorite Atari 2600 game: Adventure
Favorite Intellivision game: Space Spartans
Favorite Atari 5200 game: Star Raiders
Favorite text adventure games: Suspended, Collosal Cave (AKA Zork)
Favorite Atari 8-bit computer games: Star Raiders, Necromancer. Omnitrend’s Universe, Crush, Crumble & Chomp (I could include others)
Favorite Atari ST computer games: Dungeon Master, Llamatron 2084
Favorite Mac computer game: Escape Velocity
Favorite M$ OS computer games: Tigers On The Prowl, Myth: The Fallen Lords
Favorite cross-platform (Linux, Mac, M$) games: Dominions, King of Dragon Pass, Myth II: Soulblighter, Conquest of Elysium, Ancient Domains of Mystery
Favorite “mobile” game (not saying much): Pirates & Traders
You must be very, very old, on the order of several thousand years.
@ragingloli Indeed. I am often miffed when web sites want my age but don’t let me go old enough. I didn’t mention Hneftafl or Senet only because I’d rather play so many other games.
Hm guess this wasn’t a simple question after all, well guess i should have asked what are your favortie games of different genres instead.
Hide & seek
Kissy catchy
Jump rope
I assume you mean video games. I don’t play video games, but I play Dungeons and Dragons. We play version 3.5 and D20 Modern, although one guy is going to version 5.
The Dark Wizard from Sega CD. The graphics are atrocious, the music is repetitive, and the load times are painful, but it’s still the best turn-based strategy RPG ever made IMO. Battle for Wesnoth is open source and is the closest approximation I’ve seen if you’re looking to try something similar.
In terms of video games it’s hard for me to narrow it down to just a few specific titles. Most of my favorites, however, do tend to be more modern, despite the fact that I’m been playing since the Magnavox Odyssey and Atari 2600 days. I loved the Legacy of Kain series (PS1/PS2). Too bad it never got a proper finish (Crystal Dynamics basically had to drop it after Eidos put them in charge of the Boob Raider franchise). Amy Hennig then moved to Naughty Dog where she created another favorite series of mine – Uncharted (yeah, I tend to like third-person action/adventure platformers). Now she’s over at Visceral Games heading a ‘Star Wars’ project for EA. Can’t wait to see what she does with the Star Wars license.
The Last of Us (another Naughty Dog game) was just incredible. As was its add-on/expansion, Left Behind. Looking forward to it follow up.
For sheer over-the-top button-mashing fun I love the God of War franchise (well, except Ascension, that one was the dog’s anus of the series).
For older games/systems I might have to give that some thought. Haven’t played most of those since I was a kid, and I know from experience that stuff I loved as a kid doesn’t necessarily hold up under later viewings.
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