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ragingloli's avatar

What are some things people find funny, but that leave you completely stonefaced.

Asked by ragingloli (52374points) December 30th, 2016

Things you see zero actually humour in, while others think it is the funniest thing ever.
For example: Family Guy. I just do not get, how anyone can think this is funny.

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22 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

“Funny” home videos in which people get hurt while others laugh. Some of those America’s funniest home videos definitely did not have me in stitches.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Pretty much anything that has come out of Hollywood in the last 20 years and has the label “comedy” I don’t think there has been an original idea there since the mid 90’s

Sneki95's avatar

The Big Bang Theory. It’s horrible. In fact, anything that has a laugh track in it is automatically not funny.

But The Big Band Theory deserves a special cake.

Oh, and Three and a Half Men. Damn, I hate that show.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Pewdiepie. Seriously you think screaming to the computer and flashing suggestive things to the camera are funny? I have to give him credit though, he used to be funny when he actually cracked jokes while playing. But now he is just begging for laughter with random sex jokes.

How he got so many subcribers is beyong me.

Sneki95's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I agree, I never liked him. He is very cool as a person, but his videos are just cringy.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I too hate home videos which include somebody getting hurt, except when it is the stupid jerks who start of with, “Hey, look!” Those are not usually funny, but I am amused that these jerks think they are going to do something big.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The math joke. RDRR.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I recently saw YouTube clips of people pretending to abuse their children, while the family dogs intervened and tried to protect the children. These clips were supposed to be hilariously funny.

It was sickening – dogs forced to choose loyalties within a family, tormented and pressed into aggressive behavior. When these animals really do become aggressive and attack someone, the same idiots will blame the poor dogs and take no responsibility for their own, vile behavior.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In Russia some idiots hooked a donkey to paragliding equipment and launched it. I didn’t find it funny.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

“Angie Tribeca.” The show is a parody of a procedural police drama, but it’s nothing more than a copy of “Airplane!” The series has the same surreal humor, visual gags, and verbal puns. This approach was innovative and funny during the mid-1970s; today, it’s just stale and derivative. The show does get some good reviews, so I guess someone must like it, but I couldn’t get past the first 10 minutes or so.

Agreeing with OP that “Family Guy” is dreadful. I happen to have been born and raised in Rhode Island; this cartoon claims to be “authentic,” but I can tell you that it doesn’t even succeed as parody. In addition, the show is crass and unfunny.

Coloma's avatar

Videos scaring animals and laughing at dogs and cats bouncing off the walls wearing cones.
I’m with @Love_my_doggie deliberately teasing, harassing and scaring animals is not funny.
Now THIS is funny….horse tossing the little brat on her ass after she pushes him one time too many. haha

Sneki95's avatar

@Coloma Good thing he didn’t actually attack her. She’d be dead in a second. Why do people think annoying animals is a good idea?

Coloma's avatar

@Sneki95 I know huh? The horse showed a lot of restraint, notice he tossed her than ran off. He could have easily kicked her into the next life if he so chose. Just enough force to get his message across..” Fuck off kid!” lol

Pachy's avatar

I also don’t get the attraction of “Family Guy” and so many “popular” TV shows like “Two Broke Girls” which wallow in potty mouth-ism, of which there seems an ever-growing number.

Berserker's avatar

Actually Family Guy is my answer as well. I remember a similar question some years ago and I said the same thing, can’t seem to find the question though. But I don’t know. I like The Simpsons, so people might think, why don’t you like Family Guy? I’ve not watched enough Family Guy to make an informed distinction however I think it’s safe to say that after seeing at least ten episodes, if I didn’t get into it then, I’m never going to. And I’ve seen different episodes from different seasons.

The humor is much too random, and although probably related it seems to me they just add things in there because they lack consistency and ideas. The thing about the dad disliking his daughter and picking on her and throwing soup in her face I don’t really enjoy either. I’m not offended by it or anything, kudos to the creator for making something a lot of folks enjoy. But it is not for me.
I much prefer American Dad because it’s closer to The Simpsons in humor and ideas, and although the dad and daughter don’t quite get along, I think it’s neat that they add a ruptured bond between them that fades as they both get older. It adds a reason to the concept, and makes the characters more likable. At least in this he doesn’t beat the crap out of her. It’s from the same creator, so you know he can do different things.

But Family Guy is like just a mash up of the most crude and offending stuff they can find to do, and it doesn’t work for me if it has no consistency or creativity. And that’s coming from me, who enjoys crude and offending stuff. But it needs to be done with a certain degree of intelligence, which besides finding cookie cutter plots centered around dysfunctional American families, Family Guy lacks. Simpsons are just as guilty really, and the last seasons suck but it has satire which I always enjoy, amd tons of references to so much trivia, which I like to try and find. After years and years of seeing the same episodes, I always find new stuff, like references to Ben Hur and such.

Although perhaps I am wrong about Family Guy, as we saw the baby, Stewie turn from a megalomaniac to a homosexual. (I think) It does show character development, just as it does in The Simpsons. But I cannot get into the humor, and also, the artwork I find unappealing. It really is just an issue of taste though, because I realize that many dislike The Simpsons while I totally love it.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t like sit coms period. The only 2 sit coms I have ever liked were “Seinfeld” and ” Frasier.”
Now the 60’s sit com type shows like “The Beverly Hillbillies” and the old “I love Lucy” are classics!

Zaku's avatar

Animal abuse as comedy is a big one for me.

I didn’t get Family Guy at first, but then I watched it with a young boy who thought it was hilarious and I managed to get it, and then I got it both in the ways he thought it was funny, and at a more adult level of parody. I had to watch enough to get there, and I don’t generally watch it by myself, but I can enjoy it, or at least most of it. It’s absurdist parody which goes for taboo subjects and exposes the perverseness of our taboos and other mainstream perversions, which I think is actually pretty interesting and needed. Several other adult cartoon shows on Adult Swim have done that, too: e.g. South Park and Sealab 2021. There are some parts that are quite cringy to me, but still they are at least bringing awful subjects into attention in a way only comedy can get away with. I think they actually advance our processing of those subjects in ways that other media does not (mostly because other media tends to entirely avoid them).

gondwanalon's avatar

David Letterman’s “top ten” in his old late show. It was just lame. Only once in a great while he’d say something funny.

anniereborn's avatar

Stupid sex jokes.

Coloma's avatar

I like serial killer jokes. Here’s one of my favorites.

What did Jeffrey Dahmer sing on the way to his refrigerator?

My bologna has a first name…. lol

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ew! ^^^^^^^^ that.

Coloma's avatar

@Patty_Melt haha, I guess that means you don’t find that funny.

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