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rojo's avatar

Gofundme page to keep Betty White alive until 2017. Would you contribute?

Asked by rojo (24187points) December 30th, 2016

As asked,

Here is the story He has met his $2000.00 goal already.

Who else should we protect?

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24 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

And how is $2,000 going to prevent Betty White from dying?

rojo's avatar

He is going to fly to wherever she is and stand guard until 2017. If she agrees to it; otherwise he will donate the funds. As I mentioned he has already met his goal. I don’t know if she will accept his offer however. Video
Who else should we protect for the next day and a half @Darth_Algar ?

Darth_Algar's avatar


I mean I guess that’s fine if someone tries to break into her house, but if she, say, suddenly goes in her sleep (she is almost 95, it’s been known to happen) what’s he gonna do?

“Who else should we protect for the next day and a half?”

- I neither know, nor do I care.

Pandora's avatar

No. It’s ridiculous.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! I heard Betty White even donated to it!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

No. I wouldn’t donate.

Who should we protect? Serious answer, nobody.

Non-serious answer. These people are at risk and still doing business, so I’d like them to stick around.

David Attenborough is at risk.
Paul McCartney.
Keith Richards – but I think he might have made a pact with the devil and taken out his own insurance against death.
Mick Jagger and the other Rolling Stones.
I’m sure there are lots more I haven’t thought of.

rojo's avatar

Most of the Who?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Yep @rojo! I’d like to keep all of them.

ragingloli's avatar

Honestly though. She lived long enough.

ucme's avatar

John Cleese
Michael Palin
Eric Idle
David Attenborough
David Jason

Betty White will die of fright
Though will remain undaunted
Poor soul is so very old her pussy it is haunted

Dutchess_III's avatar

David Attenborough was born in 1926. My husband’s dad was born in 1922.

canidmajor's avatar

I’d be more concerned about keeping Ruth Bader Ginsberg alive for the next 4 years…
@Earthbound_Misfit: My friend and I were positing the Kieth Richards/Dorian Gray theory…

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sally Field
Tom Hanks
Edward Asner
Michael J. Fox
Lonesome George

DarknessWithin's avatar

This is irrational.
Betty White is nearly 100-years-old, she is most likely to pass away of a heart attack, stroke or natural causes in her sleep. A bodyguard can not prevent these things.

Carrie Fisher’s, Debbie Renyolds’ and Alan Rickman’s lives could in no way have been saved. Perhaps not George Michael’s, Alan Thicke’s or Prince’s either but I don’t know the details of their deaths.

anniereborn's avatar

No. It makes no sense.

Dutchess_III's avatar


@Patty_Melt Lonesome George died in 2012.

Patty_Melt's avatar

That was true, but there is reason to believe a few of his kind have lived on a nearby island and remained undetected there until recently.
The search is still on for his KIND.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, they’ve found some hybrids on one of the other Galapagos islands. But Lonesome George was the last of his purebred sub species.

Darth_Algar's avatar


It’s a bit beyond “just a joke” when someone is actively soliciting money for it.

Though I suspect this person’s true motivation is just a quick cash-in. I’d have more respect if he just straight up asked for money with no pretense.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was a joke, @Darth_Algar. If anyone was dumb enough to pitch in, that’s their own fault.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Oh well shit, since it was I joke I suppose we shouldn’t comment on it. Might as well delete this entire question/thread then.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep. Or not. Makes no difference.

kritiper's avatar

I like Betty White but I think I would rather donate to “delay-social-security-til-im-70”

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