Social Question

Do you judge a person by their "hand shake? "(Details )
I suppose this applies more to men, but women’s responses are very welcome.
When you first meet a person. There is usually a hand to hand interaction. (Where I am from.)
It’s a show of equality. You both trust each other to give your hand to them for a moment. You make yourself vulnerable.
But also. There are types of daps. Usually regional. I can tell where a person is from,or has been, if they give me a certain dap.
If a person gives me my regional (Southeast US) dap,I immediately have a little more respect for them, than a person offering a normal hand shake.
At the same time, in a normal hand shake, grip, power, and techniques are very important in what each participant is telling the other.
In my region, certain variations are different from others. And the differencescould tell you where that person has been.
As a bouncer/security guard I have many hand to hand greatings/departures interactions at several bars,or usually big venues….
I feel like I can tell a lot about a person by a few quick observations. A “dap” or handshake offered, tells me a wealth of knowledge about a person, even if we just met.
That plus eye contact during hand to hand interactions can tell you a lot about that person, and where there mind is at that moment…
I.E. A limp handshake from a man is usually viewed as a weakness.
Too strong means you’re mad at that person, or overcompensating from insecurity. Both are rather offensive.
I.usually just try and equal another man’s strength, but not out do him. If it’s a normal handshake…
Do such things matter to you?