@Cruiser That is rich. For years Trump supporters had touted that President Obama was unpatriotic and would’ve hung him on the White House lawn if he did or said half of what Trump says and has done. This is just proof that it was never about his policy and always about the color of his skin. A Black man dared to be President.
They called Obama Care a socialist program and deemed him a socialist, but hey, we should actually listen to Socialist / Communist Russia
We don’t need to listen to our own Intel because Russia’s Intel and Putin couldn’t possibly have an agenda but our Intel men and women are not to be trusted.
Muslims in America should be held in camps just because they are Muslims, but boo-hoo for the spying Russians who were kicked out. (oh, I forgot. They don’t need to trust our Intel. Especially after Trump said they aren’t Trustworthy)
President Obama keeps involving us in nations that have nothing to do with us. He is killing our Soldiers in wars that have nothing to do with us.
We don’t want our military overseas in these countries. It cost the taxpayer too much. But hey, why did we pull out. They weren’t ready to be let to rule themselves. Again Presidents fault.
But hooray for President Elect Trump who wants to build a huge army and build our nuclear capabilities, even though we have enough to blow the world over a few hundred times. And thinks it’s okay for Russia to do so also. The world doesn’t have enough nuclear bombs. ( I wonder what he could possibly want with a bigger army?)
President saves wall street and has restrictions on them and we have actually made back that money and more. But what a scum to use our tax money in a productive way and keep our banks from going belly up further tanking our economy. President Obama is in bed with Wall Street. He should’ve let the banks go belly up. But Trump moves in all his rich Wall Street Friends and gives them a huge tax break, but hey the little guy won’t be paying for it. Trump says we will be able to have 2 to 3 jobs each. Now, who wants 2 to 3 jobs. Oh, I know. People barely making it on minimum pay.
Just take everything Trump has said or done and have President Obama say it. He would be on Trial for Treason by now. The Republicans would’ve seen to it by now.
But know this. I am an American First and Last. I do not always agree with my government but I don’t have too because it is my right to have different opinions. But I am loyal only to my country. If I didn’t believe in America, I wouldn’t be here.
I do not, nor ever will want to live in a Communist country and I believe Trump will lead us there. First step is to normalize Communism. Make them seem friendly. Make Americans believe it is ok. Especially since they did help him get elected. That was probably what Ivanka was doing on her vacation Trip with Putin’s girlfriend. (Nothing to see here folks.)
Second, destroy our intel community reputation along with the Media. (Eradicating freedom of the Press). Make all politicians appear crooked. (At least the ones who dare question my ruling.)
Get support from the rich. Give them huge tax breaks and invite them into the fold.
Build our military.
Break ranks with nations that will question my rules.
Trump isn’t looking for a Presidency. He’s planning a coup for his dictatorship.