Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

What do you do when there's a lot of food left after a party?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) January 1st, 2017

• Feed the family on it for a week?

• Donate it to a shelter?

• Throw it out?

• Have a second party and invite the neighbors?

This isn’t my problem. But I do go to parties where everyone brings something, enough food for several people, with the result that there’s often 4 to 6 times the amount of food that the number of guests can eat.

I’ve never dared to ask the hosts what they do with all the leftovers, so I’m asking you what you do, or what you would do.

Tags as I wrote them: parties, food, refreshments, groaning board, leftovers.

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7 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I eat what I can and freeze the rest, if possible. Or take it out to the country for to feed they varmints there.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Send some home with willing recipients. Refrigerate what’s reasonable for leftovers for a couple of days. Freeze what freezes well. Throw out the rest.

ucme's avatar

Feed the scraps to our house staff, the very least I can do.

Zissou's avatar

Send some home with guests
Eat some over the next couple of days
Freeze some
Take some to work to share with co-workers

Shelters will probably not accept it for health & safety reasons.

I can see how the etiquette of potlucks might be unclear, especially if one is a newcomer to the group or if one brings something that doesn’t go over well. I think the default is to leave the leftovers with the hosts, but if the hosts seem to be left with more than they can handle, I might ask if they want me to take my leftovers home. In general, I would rather risk being tacky than waste good food.

JLeslie's avatar

Similar to other jellies, I try to send some home with guests, have some leftovers for a day or two, and sometimes freeze some of it. If there is food I don’t like much I would bring it in to work or throw it out.

MrGrimm888's avatar

One of my Aunts makes a great “leftover stew.” She’s gotten good at combining different ingredients.

For more solid foods a “leftover casserole” is something worth a try.

The leftover skeleton from a turkey makes great opossum food. You can throw it in the woods. Just keep it far from your house ,or vultures will become a nuisance.

Wojo52jr's avatar

WTF..!!! Leftovers??? You just keep feeding… Invite your friends, family, anyone off the street…. Hells bells!!!! It’s time to feast.

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